Chapter 24

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I woke up to a knock on the door. I slowly open my eyes and look towards the door to see Jin holding a tray with a steaming bowl of soup. He smiles lightly as he looks at me and I curl the corner of my lips at his smile. He set down the tray on the side table before looking at me.
"I don't expect you to eat all of it, just try to get some food in your system." Jin speaks with a soft voice.
I nod as I look away from Jin and to the bowl of soup. It smelled amazing, just every meal I had of his, but my stomach just felt like it couldn't handle it. I sit up and scoot over to the edge of the bed, picking up the spoon and dipping it into the soup. I bring the spoon to my lips and sip on it, not wanting to eat too fast. My stomach seemed to flip and I immediately dropped the spoon back into the bowl with a clatter.
Jin was quick to at my side, a hand resting on my back, the other hand on my elbow. His eyes seemed to search me for any discomfort. I wave him off as I take a deep breath before going back to trying to eat the soup.
"You don't have to force yourself to eat, Y/n. Don't make yourself sick-"
"I'm fine. I just don't think I can eat solid foods for a while." I say as I swallow another spoonful of soup.
Jin frowns as he looks at me before nodding. I finish half the bowl under an hour before finally calling it quits after two close calls one after another. Jin takes the tray with the bowl away and I go back under the covers.
I don't know what to do... I feel, awkward, awful, but most of all, I feel like the bad guy. Maybe because I was. They are welcoming me with open arms and big smiles, full trust in me. But me? I'm just someone who is taking advantage of their kindness for my own personal needs. I'm a vile human being in my own book.
I grab my phone and look at it, noticing a message sticking out from all the others.

'I'll find you and drag you back if I have to. None of your soulmates can stop me.'

I sigh and put the phone down, so much for that. Maybe if I left the state... even the country? No... even though I haven't been here long, these boys made me feel like I belonged more than I have in a while. Maybe I could convince them to come along with me?
My thoughts come to a stop when there was a knock on the door. I hum to let them know that they could come in. The door opens, but I'm still under the blanket. I feel the shift of weight at the foot of the bed but no one says anything. I don't come out from under the blanket, not able to look at whoever was in here in the eye.
"Are you doing okay?" Jimin's voice questions.
"Yeah, but don't you guys feel emotions through the soulmate connection?" I respond.
"Well, yes... but you seemed to have shut us off during your disappearance." Jimin replies timidly, as if he didn't want to make it seem like it was my fault.
But it was. I put them through painful emotions and physical pain, I couldn't bring myself to make them suffer with me any longer. I was on the fence about my feelings for them and staying with them. I wanted to stay with them but then there was the question of whether I was going to use them or just try to enjoy myself with them. Or, leave them behind as I tried to escape my family's clutches.
"I'm sorry." Is all I could say.
I couldn't even face Jimin, one of the more emotional supportive ones of my soulmates. Honestly, I could probably laugh at how pathetic I am right now. I needed to get my priorities straight and figure out what I was going to do.
"Um... I'm going to go to work. Just call or text us if you need anything. Jungkook should be in his room..." Jimin says before standing up from the foot of the bed and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.
I listen as he walks away from the room before sitting upright. I needed fresh air and a clear mind, if I wanted to think about what I was going to do next. I just hope that whatever I choose to do, is the right decision.
I go to the drawer and pull out a random shirt one of the boys gave me and changed out of my wrinkled bed shirt. Putting on my pants and the boys shirt, I quietly walked out of the room and down the stairs to the main area. I slipped on my shoes and quietly opened the door before slipping out.
I should be back, hopefully before the boys got home from work. I didn't really know where I was going, nor did I really know this neighborhood that the boys lived in. I started walking as my thoughts ran wild through my head.
Was hiding behind my soulmates really going to help me in the long run? Am I really going to keep sneaking around or will I tell them my problems and drag them into it as well? I didn't want to, but my decision to stay with them has already made them involved. Was it worth it? Was seeing my soulmates' crestfallen faces really worth it in the end?
Tears stung my eyes as my heart clenched tightly. I needed help, help I was too scared to ask for. Would the boys still want me if I told them the truth?
I hope to God they would...

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