Chapter 3

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I woke up early and decided to walk around town. But before that, I decided to do a little bit of the puzzle. Around 10 am, I decide to get ready to leave.
Taking a shower, I get dressed to go outside and take a walk.

I take my sketchbook just in case I find something I wanted to sketch

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I take my sketchbook just in case I find something I wanted to sketch. Putting on my shoes and pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I leave the house and lock the door. I breath in the fresh air before walking off.

I was walking around town, enjoying the scenery around me. Not really knowing or caring where I was going. I kept walking until I was in front of the library. I look up and smile. Deciding to browse a bit, I enter the library. The guy from last time is behind the desk and when he hears my footsteps, he looks up.
Out of the corner of my eye, I can see a surprised face. Confused, but not caring, I continue to browse over the books.
"Excuse miss. Are you looking for something?" I look up to see the man from the front desk. I shake my head and walk away.
A feeling inside, wants me to turn around and apologize for being rude, but I don't really do well with strangers. I still have no idea why I talked to him yesterday.
Eventually feeling bad for my actions, I decide to at least acknowledge him. Turning around, I see him still standing there, confused. Noticing I'm looking at him, he looks back at me. I give him a quick, apologetic smile and leave the library.

I keep walking until I find myself in front of the restaurant we went to yesterday. Sighing, I enter the restaurant. I sit down in the far corner, away from everybody. I order a drink and look out the window.
Feeling like someone is looking at me, I look over and see the manager near the doorway. He looks surprised to see me.
I nod my head in acknowledgement before turning back to the window. Not caring that he gave me a dashing smile.
My drink arrives and I pay the waitress, with a heavy tip. The waitress is shocked, standing still until I'm almost to the door.
"Thank you miss! Please come again!" I smile and wave to let her know I heard.
Leaving the restaurant, I notice the manager looking at me. I shrug it off and keep walking.

I get a message from Mei, asking me if I could bring food to Sam. Telling her I was near his work place, I agreed. Buying him some take out, I head over to Sam's work place.
I open the door and wait for Sam to come out and claim his food.
"Y/n. Thank you so much!" I turn to Sam and smile. "No problem dude." Sam smiles as he takes his food. "It's been a while. Why not stay so we can catch up?" I think a bit before politely declining the offer.
"I wanted to walk around town and maybe get in a few sketches. Also, you guys will be coming over this weekend, so we can catch up then." Sam smiles and nods. He waves before walking away. I wave back before turning around.
"Ahh!" I almost run into short guy, who was behind me. I step back a few steps before eyeing him. He looks a bit upset and I look over to see white hair guy and sunshine looking at me.
Remembering yesterday, I straiten my posture and leave the building. Ignoring the look of hurt on short guy's face.

Walking over to the beach, I smile as I breath in the salty sea air. I hear someone walking closer to me and I see the boy from yesterday, the boy who took my picture.
"Hi again!" I nod back, but don't say anything. He looks a little hurt, but soon recovers by pulling out a picture and handing it to me.
Looking down, my eyes widened. The picture was if me. I look up at him and back down at the picture. "Are you going to take it?" I look at him confused, "why should I? Don't you want it since you took the picture?"
The boy shook his head and thrusted the picture towards me again. Gently, I take the picture. I thank him and walk away. I place the picture in my sketchbook.

I walk through the park aimlessly. Looking at the time, I realized I still have a few hours before having to go home and make myself supper.
I sit down on a bench and look out at the scenery. Seeing a butterfly on a flower, I get my sketchbook and start sketching.

 Seeing a butterfly on a flower, I get my sketchbook and start sketching

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I smile at my work and watch as the butterfly flutters away. As I watch it, my eyes catch a bird. Smiling, I flip to another page and start sketching.
Not even halfway through the sketch, I'm scared by a voice behind me. "Wow! That's really good!" I nearly fall off the bench and turn around to see a bunny looking boy.
Looking sad, the bunny boy apologizes, "sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought you sketch looked good." I give him a small smile, "that's fine and thanks for the compliment." The boy perked up and sat down beside me, smiling.
"I'm Jungkook!" I almost laugh. "I'm y/n," I say as I go back to my sketching. Once I'm finished, I lean back and smile.
"Woah! That almost looks real!"

I jump a little, having forgotten that bunny boy was sitting beside me on the bench

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I jump a little, having forgotten that bunny boy was sitting beside me on the bench. I smile before he looks at me.
"Could you draw me?" I'm surprised by the request, but eventually give in.

Once I was finished, I realized how late it was. I gave Jungkook his portrait before leaving, not even saying goodbye.

Once in my house, I go to my room and change into some comfortable clothes.

Once in my house, I go to my room and change into some comfortable clothes

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I decide not to cook, instead I made myself some ramyeon. (I have no idea if I'm spelling that right. So bear with me.) Once it was done, I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I started to watch a show while I ate.
I smiled when I remembered Jungkook. He was a literal bunny. He was so innocent, his soulmate or soulmates must love him.
I frowned and put my hand over my tattoos. Seven birds. I don't know how I'll find them.
The TV show had a jump scare and I accidentally dump some of my ramyeon on my shirt. Cursing under my breath, I put down my cup of ramyeon and head for the bathroom.
I take off my shirt and grab a washcloth. Turning to the sink, I start running water. Something dark grey in the mirror catches my eyes. Looking up, I drop the washcloth and scream.

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