Chapter 13

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Can I die? Please? The fact that Sam gave me my flash drive was a dead give away telling me that Yoongi had found it.
I eventually crawl out of bed and take a shower. Today I wanted to go to an arcade that just opened near where I lived.
After the shower, I dry myself off and dry my hair. I put my hair up into a ponytail before getting dressed.

After getting dressed, I put on my shoes and head for the arcade. Double checking to see if I have everything before walking out the door.
Grabbing my skateboard, I locked the door and went outside of the apartment building.
Putting my skateboard on the ground, I put my right foot on and begin to push off. I skate through the crowd and make my way to the arcade. I do a few tricks every now and then, but overall, I'm just skating.

Finally making it to the arcade, I hop off my skateboard and put it in my book bag. I then walk into the building.
I walk in and see arcade game after arcade game. I smile a little before going to the desk to buy some tokens for the games.
Taking the tokens, I turn to go find some good games. I venture around a bit before finally deciding to play the dancing machine.
I look through the songs and choose s/n by (artist's name). The game begins and I move my feet quickly. I end up breaking out into a smile as I play the game.
I was so engrossed in the game, that I didn't notice a small crowd had gathered around me. But after the game ended, I heard a few cheers and some clapping. I turn around and blink a few times before giving a shy smile to the crowd.
The crowd dispersed and I just so happened to see Jungkook and Taehyung smiling at me. I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't move. I end up giving them a small smile before getting off the game platform.
The boys came up to me and smiled again. "That was awesome! You were really into the music," Taehyung said while giving me a hug. The hug was warm and comforting, but I had to remind myself that I couldn't get too close to them. Even though I was going to have to be with them to try and avoid the forced marriage.
That's when the hug got a little too tight. "Tae, choking. Not breathing." Taehyung gasped and released me with an apologetic look. I gasped for air and looked up at him. Damn, why am I so short?
I feel a hand on my arm and I look up to see Jungkook with worry on his face. "You okay?" I just nod.
His dark, doe eyes were captivating and soft. I had to force myself to look away from him.
Taehyung still looked apologetic and I was quick to assure him that I was alright. He gave me a boxey smile, one that could melt your heart.
Damn you guys for being so handsome and cute. I was going to say goodbye to them, but instead, I'm now being dragged around the arcade playing games with them.
"Haha! I'll beat you in this game! I'm a master at it," Jungkook bragged. My competitive side broke free and I smirked, "we'll see, Bunny Boy."
I sat down on the other side of the Jungkook and Taehyung was standing behind me. I cracked my fingers before putting them on the controllers. I chose my player and was waiting for Jungkook.
When the game began, there was three rounds, and Jungkook started getting cocky. I chuckled as I waited for his attack. I easily dodged and did a quick attack.
I won round 1, but lost round 2. We were on our third round and I was concentrating very hard. We both had 20hp left and we were attacking and dodging.

I was walking around with the boys a bit, not really listening to them. I was so deep into my thoughts.
I'm tired of running, but I still don't want to hurt them. Maybe, just maybe, I could spend more time with them? To make up the time that I had ran away. Should I tell them about the forced marriage? Will they help me? I'm scared. I feel awful. I feel like the bad person. I don't want this, I want happiness, but I'm scared.
"Y/n?!" "What?!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I hear someone call my name. I see a worried Taehyung and Jungkook in front of me. I let down my guard a bit and smile at them, "sorry. Just lost in my thoughts."

After leaving the arcade, I give them my number to keep in contact. I need to forget the past and try to make the most of the future and present.
I offered them to come and visit me over the weekend. They looked really surprised and it was somewhat funny. They had gotten so used to me being cold to them, they weren't prepared for me to warm up a bit.

I rush around my apartment, cleaning and making sure everything was orderly and neat. I made sure the food was cooking before my soulmates came.
I laugh a little remembering the reaction of Mei and Sam when I told them that I would give them a chance.
I get a text message from the man that is trying to force me into a marriage, but I ignore it. I won't let that bring me back into my walls. I want to be happy and make my soulmates happy.

Totally did a 180°

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