Chapter 25

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Jungkook was gaming in his room for maybe two hours when he suddenly got a feeling that something wasn't right. Exiting his game, he put his controller down and took off his headset. Leaving his room, he looked around the house, nothing seemed to be off, but something still didn't seem right. The others were at work and he hadn't gotten any unusual feelings from them either. He sighed before going to check on Y/n.
He walks up the stairs and down the hallway but stops when he sees the door cracked open. The feeling of something off comes to him stronger as he slowly steps forward. Opening the door, he freezes, Y/n was gone. How had he not heard her leave? He heard everyone else leave so when did she leave? Why did she leave? Was she feeling uncomfortable? Or was it something else?
He was freaking out, Jin and Namjoon would surely have his head for not keeping a better eye on her. Oh no. He spun around and ran down the stairs. He ran all the way to the front door to see her shoes were also gone.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit." Jungkook hisses as he put on his shoes until his phone ringing makes him pause.
Looking at the phone, he sees Jin's name. Jungkook bites his lip as he slowly reaches over and picks up the phone. He brings it to his ear, taking a deep breath.
"Why do I feel panicked? What's going on?" Jin's voice questions Jungkook with a worried tone.
"Um... y/nisn'tinherroomanymore..." Jungkook says quickly in a mumble.
"What? Speak up!" Jin demands.
"Y/n isn't here." Jungkook say louder, regret weaved into his voice.
There is a moment of silence before Jungkook feels the sense of panic coming from the bond. Jungkook internally cringed as it only became stronger. Great job, Jungkook.
"Jin! I'm sure everything is fine! I'm leaving to go look for her now, she probably just left to get some fresh air." Jungkook says as he tries to calm down his soulmate.
"Ok... just call me when you find her." Jin says as the panic lessens, audible deep breaths were heard from Jin on the other side of the phone.
"Okay. I promise to find her." Jungkook replies before hanging up the phone and putting on his other shoe.
Leaving the house, he doesn't bother locking the door behind him as he was more worried about finding his female soulmate. Praying that she was okay, he ran, not knowing exactly where he was going. He just hoped that he would be able to find her and that she was okay. And maybe ask why she had run off.
He turned a corner and came upon a park not far the house. Kids voices were filling the air as they played in the park. It was a cheerful atmosphere, but had no effect on a worried Jungkook. Jungkook walked through the park, keeping an eye on for his soulmate but not seeing any sign of her.
Jungkook continued looking as he looked through out the streets of his neighborhood, hoping that maybe he could catch even a glimpse of Y/n. He didn't see her and he didn't realize how late it was getting.
He continued walking until he came across a cafe, he walked in and decided to ask if they saw his female soulmate. His heart seemed to be working in overtime and it didn't help that his male soulmates were blowing up his phone in the group chat.
Even after asking about Y/n, he still had no idea of where she had gone. He sat outside on the pavement and put his head in his hands. Did they do something wrong to make her leave or was this her way of rejecting them? And if she did reject them, why keep them hanging on for this long? All the running away from them and hiding herself, he didn't understand. The anxiety started to settle into his body as he looked around the area. All of his thoughts were tearing him apart slowly but he had to try and get it under control.
Jungkook stands up and sighs as he runs a hand through his hair. He promised Jin that he would bring Y/n back, but did she really want to be found...

Hours passed and Jungkook was close to giving up, he felt as if he failed. He slumped to the ground near an alley and buried his face in his arms, his anxiety was rising and the others had probably already made it home by now. He honestly felt like crying, he wanted to blame Y/n for it, but his heart wouldn't let him. He just wanted to know if Y/n was okay, he didn't want to let go of his last soulmate, but if she didn't want them... at least tell them to their faces.
"hey... Hey."
Jungkook looks up and almost freaks out when he sees Y/n standing over him, her eyes holding worry for him. Without thinking, Jungkook jumps up and wraps his arms around Y/n. He buried his face in her hair as the tears of relief began to roll.
"Please don't leave me, please don't leave us." Jungkook whispered.
Y/n's arms wrapped around Jungkook and held onto him as she looked down, her thoughts running through her head. She drops her hands and lets one of her hands intertwine with Jungkook's.
"Let's go home. It's late." She says softly, and Jungkook can tell she was tired.
Jungkook picked her up causing her to yelp in surprise before clutching onto him. Jungkook held her close to him as he walked home, not caring about the looks he received. Y/n eventually falls asleep in his arms from exhaustion. Jungkook smiles slightly, but his anxiety didn't stop about the doubts that he had. Is she here to stay or is she going to reject them?

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