Chapter 2

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The boys were in the living room watching TV when Jin walked into the house. "Jin! How was work?" Namjoon's voice echoed through the house. Jin sighed in exhaustion, "do I have a story for you."

"This couple tried to accuse my staff for being unsanitary. They even asked for their money back for compensation." Jin was telling them about his day, but Yoongi frowned and stood up. "Who are these people? I'll give them a piece of my mind!" Jin quickly put a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "you don't have to. Someone already did." Everyone looked at Jin, curious of what he was talking about.
"A girl had started telling off the couple and even threatened to report them to the police. The one thing she said that stuck with me was when they asked her if she was blaming them for scamming. She said, and I quote, 'yes. Except I'm not blaming, I'm accusing you of scamming'. I tried not to laugh when I saw their faces." The boys asked who she was, but Jin shook his head saying he didn't know.

Namjoon was telling them about his day, "there was this girl who came to return a book. It was the book, 'Ways of the Soulmates'. She had a peculiar view on one of the topics, but I couldn't ask her about it before she had to leave." Jin looked at Namjoon and questioned, "what topic?" Namjoon thought for a bit, "she said something about how wrong, or something, they were about how someone couldn't have more than five soulmates." The boys were shocked. "Is it possible for her to have more than five?" Jimin asked, he had stayed silent ever since he got back from work. "Maybe, but I didn't see anyone, except a girl with her."

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin was telling everyone about their day. But as soon as they neared the end, Jimin fell silent and everyone could sense that he was upset. "What's wrong Jimin," Taehyung asked. Jimin shook his head and Hoseok sighed. He also had a bit of guilt coming from him, "we might've offended a girl today after work." The boys were taken aback at what was said. "We didn't mean to, we were just surprised when she believed us when we said we had more than just us three as soulmates." Namjoon looked over at Jimin who looked like he was about to cry. "What did you say?"
Yoongi spoke up this time, "we said we thought she would be like everyone else and call us liars. After we said that, she grew cold and told us that she wasn't everyone else and walked away before we could apologize." Jimin whimpered and Taehyung pulled him into a hug.

Jungkook spoke up, trying to keep things upbeat. "My online friend was hanging out with her friend today!" Namjoon, glad for the distraction, turned to Jungkook. "Really? What did he do?" He usually didn't care, but if it meant that it would keep Jimin distracted, he would do it. "SHE said that she went to the library, then to a restaurant, then went to her friend's soulmate's work place before going to the beach." Taehyung perked up, "talking about the beach! I got these really good pictures at the beach this evening!"
Taehyung ran and got his newly printed pictures. In the one of the pictures, stood a girl with black hair that almost went to her waist. She was running her fingers through her hair and was looking out into the sunset, while holding her shoes. "Wow Tae! This is really good!"
"Thanks! I told the girl she was a good model for the picture, but she quickly denied what I said," Tae said as he produced another photo, but this time, it showed the girl's face. The boys stared in shock. All yelled out, except Jungkook and Taehyung. "That's the girl I was talking about! Wait! You saw her too?!"
Taehyung and Jungkook looked around confused. She was the girl? The girl who returned a book and talked to Namjoon? The girl that stood up for Jin and his restaurant? The girl Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin had offended? And the girl Taehyung had taken pictures of? They were the same girl?

That night, everyone was getting dressed for bed. When they, except Jungkook, noticed that their tattoos were a shade darker. A darker grey. The boys bursted out of their rooms, with happy faces. Even Yoongi looked happy. Jungkook opened his bedroom door, confused at the yelling. They then showed him their soulmate tattoos. Jungkook looked at his and frowned. The bird tattoo was still grey.
Sensing sadness from Jungkook, they all started comforting him. But then Taehyung spoke up, "wait. We don't know who the person is." Everyone stayed silent and soon everyone shared Jungkook's sadness.

Jungkook went back into his room and sat down in front of his computer. A smile reached his mouth when he saw a message from his online friend, y/g/n.
"Hey! I just finished eating. Want to play a game or two?"
"Sure. Why not."
They played a few games before they decided to use their mics on their headphones to talk. Jungkook saw her mic was on and he smiled.
"Hello? Can you here me?"
"Yes. Hi y/g/n!"
"Oh! Hi Letzgetit! So, how was your day?"
Jungkook could hear her move around as she talked. Being online friends for about a year, he trusted her and began to tell her about the soulmate tattoos his soulmates had and how they began to darken.
"But mine hasn't. I'm a little upset about it."
"Letzgetit. I know how you feel. My tattoos aren't even darkening. They are still grey." Sadness laced in with her voice. "Do you go out often?"
"No, not really. I'm thinking about going out though since my soulmates have jobs or hobbies and are out of the house most of the day."
He hears laughter on the other side and smiles.
"That sounds like me. Except, I go out every now and then when I'm bored or my friend drags me out."
This time, it was his turn to laugh.
"Hey, I got this go. Bye!"
Jungkook smiled, he liked talking to y/g/n. She was laid back and easy to get along with. Unless you made her mad. He smiled remembering how they first met.
He was a new player and was getting picked on by the more experienced ones. He had listened as they talked and picked on him through their mics.
Then, a player came on the screen and stood in front of him.
"You think it's funny to pick on the new players?! Just because their new doesn't mean they're weak!"
The players scrutinized the girl until she had enough.
"I, y/g/n, challenge all you to a duel against me and the new player!"
Jungkook was surprised, but didn't say anything. That's when he saw she wanted to speak privately. He accepted and heard her voice.
"Are you okay? Don't let those people get to you. I'll help you show them they are wrong about you. Okay?"
Jungkook had smiled while agreeing. They had demolished the players and ended up being friends.

"Jungkook? What are you so happy about," Taehyung's voice reached his ears and he turns around and smiles. "I was just thinking about how I met my online friend. She had came to help me when I first started out." Taehyung smiled and hugged his soulmate. Jungkook hugged him back.

That night, Jungkook decided he would go outside tomorrow and enjoy the weather.

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