Chapter 30

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Damn, this is a really nice place...

It's only been a week, but I've finally moved everything into my new house. I had bought new furniture and even decided to buy a piano for the living room. I rarely play the piano but something told me to buy it so I did. It honestly looks really nice, it adds a sophisticated look to my living room.
A laugh escapes my lips at the thought before I decide to make myself a cup of coffee. I had been drinking coffee in the mornings before going on a short run to stay in shape. New me should start looking out for herself more. I've thought about going to a gym, but I felt like I would probably wear myself out. So a morning run would have to do for now.
My phone dings with a new message from Namjoon. I smile lightly as he sends his good morning, wishing me a good day. I reciprocate his morning wishes before I go back to making myself coffee.
Namjoon and Yoongi have been keeping in touch with me a lot more lately, not that I mind. I honestly see it as new beginnings for us.  They also like to call me at random times during the week.
Finishing my coffee, I get dressed for my morning run. Slipping on my shoes and making sure my ponytail was tight, I walked out the front door before locking it behind me. Putting in my earbuds, I pressed play on my playlist before heading out with a light jog.
I pass many houses and even a few small shops. The scenery of this area was definitely something I loved looking at as I went on my morning runs. I make it to a small park and slow down before walking up to a bench to rest a bit.
I lean my head back and close my eyes. My music blaring in my ears as the morning air starts to warm up. I open my eyes and let out a sharp yelp as a pair of eyes look down at me. I quickly take out my earbuds and turn around on the bench and freeze.
"Jimin..." I whisper in surprise.
He looked at me, his eyes looking me over, maybe trying to see if it was really me or maybe something else. He looked into my eyes and took a deep breath, almost as if he was waiting for me to do something.
"H-hey, how are you doing?" I ask, putting my earbuds away.
"I'm doing better... um, are you okay?" He asks, cautiously and with good reasons.
I give him a light smile, "yeah. I'm doing a lot better. I'm really glad to see you're doing good."
Jimin was always the one that overthought everything and also felt his emotions strongly. If I was worried about anyone more during my time away from my soulmates, it was him. I knew that I would be breaking him more than I did with the others. But I still cared for my soulmates the same.
"Why are you all the way out here? Not that you can't, but it seems a bit far from your apartment." He says as he looks at me.
"Oh, I moved out of my apartment recently. I thought a new place would help me start new. I'm trying to work on myself, be a better version. I'm getting there, slowly. Step by step." I responded with a smile.
Jimin's lips pressed into a thin line but I could see the slight happiness his eyes held. I was glad that he was happy, I don't know what I did, but I would honestly do anything to keep this man happy.
"So you live near by?" He questions, his head slightly tilted to the side.
"About five-six blocks away. I decided to go on runs in the morning to try and keep myself in shape." I say as I check my phone, a new message from one of my customers were on the screen.
"You still work as a graphic designer?" He asks as he looks at my phone.
"Yep. It's good money and I really enjoy what I do." I say as I put my phone back in its place.
"I'm... I'm glad I got to see you today." Jimin hesitates.
"Me too, Jimin. Keep smiling." I say before I put my earbuds back in and start jogging home.
My thoughts were still on Jimin. I'm really glad to see he's doing okay. Even though we only spoke briefly, it meant so much to me that he stopped to talk to me instead of just walking past.
My phone buzzes against my thigh and I pull it out to see a message from Jimin. A smile on my lips as I put the phone back and continue jogging home.

My phone rings at 10:54 pm and my brows furrow at the thought of someone calling me this late. I pick up my phone and see Jimin's name. Without a second thought, I answer the phone, my earbuds connected to my phone.
"Hello?" I ask softly as I work on a project.
"Hey... sorry if I woke you up... I-I just needed to talk to someone." Jimin says from the other side.
"It's all good. I'm usually up this late. I should honestly start fixing my sleep schedule." I chuckle.
Jimin's chuckle comes in through my earbuds and I smile lightly at the sound. I hear him take a deep breath before he starts speaking again.
"I... I guess I just needed to make sure I still had the right number." Jimin says.
"Oh, so the text earlier wasn't supposed to be sent?" I teased and chuckled when his breath hitched.
"No, it was... I guess... I guess I'm just happy I got to see you..." Jimin replies honestly.
I can't help the small smile that spreads across my lips at his words.
"I'm happy I got to see you too, Jimin." I whispered, the small smile still on my lips.
Jimin and I talk for a while, mainly just enjoying being on a call with each other until I have to hang up around 11:38. I wish him goodnight before hanging up the phone, putting my earbuds away and getting ready for bed. I send Namjoon and Yoongi goodnight texts as well before putting my phone on the charger and going to bed.

Maybe I'll make myself breakfast in the morning...

I'm feeling really depressed right now... my puppy ran away while I was at work and no one has been able to find her yet... so I hope this chapter brings happiness to you guys because your happiness makes me happy!!

Edit: puppy has been found

Edit: puppy has been found

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