Christmas Special part 1 (not an actual chapter)

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Y/n ran around the house excited to decorate for Christmas. She looked around the living room, her mind picturing all the decorations she could put up before her soulmates came home. Well, Jungkook was there to help her so she didn't get hurt.
Y/n hears a chuckle behind her and turned to see Jungkook with an amused smirk on his face. Y/n can't help but smile as she sees him holding a box of decorations. Jungkook sees Y/n clap with excitement and he can't help but smile at her. It's one of those rare moments where her worries are forgotten and she can live in the moment.
"Ready for decorating?" Y/n asks as she turns on Christmas music to match the vibe. Jungkook nods and puts the box down as his soulmate looks through the box, her mind racing with ideas. Jungkook and Y/n go around the house decorating every nook and cranny with Christmas decorations.
Y/n gets an idea and goes to the entrance to the kitchen with a ladder. While she climbs she begins humming a Christmas song. Pulling out a mistletoe she found, she starts hanging it up.
"Oh ho, the mistletoe, hung where you can see! Somebody waits for you, kiss them once for me! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas! And in case you didn't hear, oh by golly have a Holly Jolly Christmas! This year!"
The door opens when Y/n is putting the ladder away and she turns to see Yoongi. Yoongi's expression was priceless, the look of confusion and surprise was the best picture ever for Y/n.
"Surprise!" Y/n says with excitement to her other Soulmate. Yoongi gives her his signature gummy smile as he scoops her into a hug.
"So this is why you were so eager for us to leave this morning." Yoongi muses as Jungkook enters the living room.
"She's been excited about this for quite a while now." Jungkook chuckles, causing Y/n to playfully glare at him.
"Can you guys help me move the furniture? I want us all to get a Christmas tree later!" Y/n says as she shared her idea. Yoongi and Jungkook look at each other before smiling and going to help Y/n.

A few hours pass as they move the couches around and the side tables. Y/n gives each of them a kiss on the cheek for doing all the hard work. Eventually Namjoon comes back and as he takes off his shoes he stops when he sees the decorations put up. A dimpled smile finds it's way to his face. Looking further into the living room, his smile widens when he sees his soulmates smiling together and joking around.
"What's all this?" Namjoon asks causing Y/n to spin around on her heel.
"What do you think?! Jungkook helped me with the decorations!" Y/n says excitedly. Namjoon smiles as he wraps his arms around his female soulmate, no amount of words could describe how happy he was to see her this happy and carefree.
"How about we watch a Christmas movie while we wait for the others to get home." Namjoon offers as he leads Y/n to the couch. Y/n smiles as she cuddles into his side as he sits down on the couch with her, Yoongi sitting next to her and Jungkook sitting on the other side of Namjoon.
Y/n plays her favorite Christmas movie, C/m/n. Pulling a fuzzy blanket over her lap while resting her head against Namjoon's chest. Yoongi's hand was resting on her thigh through the blanket. Jungkook was resting against Namjoon's shoulder, with a blanket covering his body, his dark eyes on the tv.
Halfway through the movie Namjoon feels Y/n's head fall from his chest to his lap. Looking down, he smiles when he sees that his soulmate has fallen asleep.

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