Chapter 14 (short)

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I go to my room to get dressed before the boys come over.

I go to my room to get dressed before the boys come over

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All the sudden, the doorbell rings. I run up to the door and open it to let the boys in.
Where's the seventh? I shut the door and walk into the kitchen. Jin was standing at the stove, cooking. There's the seventh, but when did he come in?
I shake my head and push Jin out of the kitchen. I start cooking when I hear the boys whispering. I couldn't hear anything, for they were whispering in Korean.

We sat around the table and I smiled at my soulmates. Namjoon cleared his throat before speaking.
"Y/n. We wanted to tell you this for a while now. But every time, you would run away. We were trying to be nice, but we think it's time to stop."
"What are you talking about," I asked confused. All the sudden, the boys are standing around me. They all look at me with hatred.
"We don't want you as our soulmate."
I start falling into a black pit while screaming.

I open my eyes and jolt out of bed. I'm gasping for air. I fumble for my phone and turn it on.
It was 2:47 am. Yesterday I had went to my soulmates' house. Everything was a dream.
Tears ran down my face and I hugged my knees.

You thought!

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