Chapter 15

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It was a dream. Falling into a black pit was only a dream. Hearing my soulmates say they didn't want me was only a dream.
Yet it hurt so bad. Was this how it felt for them when I pushed them away? Are they hurting like this? Or is it just me?
I get out of my bed and walk over to the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face and dry my face off. I look in the mirror, my eyes are rimmed red from crying.
I quickly put my hair up into a ponytail before getting dressed.

I quickly put my hair up into a ponytail before getting dressed

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I go and sit down at the puzzle. While doing the puzzle, I try to put together the puzzle in my mind.
I ignore the ringing of my phone and turn off my phone. I want to be alone so I can think. I was in need of some quiet time.

At noon, I end up putting on Beauty and the Beast. I sat on the couch, hugging my knees.
Then the song Evermore came on. Tears filled my eyes as my heart shattered.
I paused the movie to make myself some ramen. After the ramen is done cooking, I sit down on the couch and play the movie.

I finish the movie and play another one. I have to pause it when I hear knocking on my door.
I sigh as I stand up. I put down my ramen and walk over to the door. I open it and look up.
I gasp and stumble a little.
"How? What? Why? When?" I was trying to understand what was going on. Why was Yoongi standing at my door?!
I hear Yoongi chuckle before pulling out my flash drive. The color drains from my face when I remember my dream.
I snatch the flash drive and thank him before trying to shut the door. Notice I said trying.
Yoongi put his hand on the door and stopped me from shutting it. I slowly look up to see him looking at me. I can't read his face and it makes me even more confused.
Tears gather in my eyes again and I try to hide it, but Yoongi was quick to notice. He put a hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me back from the door as he stepped into my apartment.
"Hey, why are you crying? Y/n, is everything okay? We woke up early this morning feeling fear. Do you want to talk about it," Yoongi's voice was calming and made it hard for me to turn the offer down.
My body moved before I knew what I was doing. I threw myself into his arms and cried. I felt his arms slowly wrap around me and pull me closer to him.

3rd Person's POV

Yoongi was surprised when y/n threw herself into his arms. But what made him worried was when she started to cry.
Y/n fell asleep from crying, so Yoongi carefully moved her to the couch, but she was clinging on to him so tightly, that he ended up laying beside her.
He played with her hair as he looked at her face features. Soft skin, long lashes, and full, pink lips. The tip of her nose was red from crying and tears stained her cheeks.
"No......don't...... Please Dad.... Don't force me into this..... I don't want to.......I don't want to marry someone I don't know.....please!"
Yoongi was wide eyed in surprise. A fresh batch of tears run down her face and Yoongi quickly wipes them away. Y/n whimpers and Yoongi holds on to her tighter. "Don't worry y/n. I'm here, I won't let you leave," Yoongi whispered into y/n's hair.
Y/n relaxed a bit before cuddling into his chest. Yoongi smiled down at the girl and stroked her hair. His eyes became heavy, until he fell asleep.

Yoongi wakes up to see y/n looking up at him. Blush spreads across her face and she turns away from him. Yoongi chuckles before kissing her cheek.
Yoongi let's go of y/n so she could stand up. She stands up and runs to the bathroom. Yoongi chuckles again and stands up.
He checks his phone to see it was almost 9 pm. His other soulmates had been blowing up his phone. Yoongi groaned as he sat back down on the couch.
He started to read the messages, he didn't hear y/n come back out from the bathroom. Y/n stood behind him as he read the messages from his soulmates.
Y/n giggled a little and Yoongi turned to see her. Yoongi smiled and held on to her wrist. He had her sit next to him. When she sat down, Yoongi wrapped his arm around her petit frame.
He buried his face in her hair causing y/n to blush. "Y/n." "Hm?" Yoongi straitened back up and looked at her. "What were you dreaming about? You don't have to tell me. You were sleep talking about something that your dad was doing?"
Y/n looked away from Yoongi and started fiddling with her fingers. "Um, I'm not really ready to say anything right now," y/n said in a soft voice. Yoongi wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She was stiff at first, but after a few minutes, she finally relaxed.
"You know, me and the boys are always here for you. We want to be with you. But do you want the same? Either way, we will respect your decision. Just know we will never not want you," Yoongi said quietly. That was it. Y/n started crying again and hugged Yoongi tight.
Yoongi couldn't help but smile as he held he tighter. He must have broken a wall that was around her. He didn't care that her tears were drenching his shirt, for he was more focused on comforting her.
Y/n lifted her head and gave Yoongi a genuine smile, "thank you, Yoongi." Yoongi's heart skipped a beat and he smiled back at her before she hugged him again.

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