Chapter 4

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Jungkook was looking at the sketch y/n gave him. Looking up, he was going to tell her thank you. But she was nowhere to be seen Jungkook pouted a little until his phone started ringing.
"Hello?" "Dude! Where are you?! Jin is worried because you haven't answered any of our texts!" Taehyung's voice yells through the phone and Jungkook holds it away from his ear a bit. "Sorry hyung. I was getting my portrait sketched by a nice girl. I didn't realize the time. I'm coming home now." After saying goodbye, they both hung up the phone.

The door opened and everyone watched as a happy Jungkook walks into the house. They start bombing him with questions until Namjoon had enough. "Everybody, quiet down! Let Jungkook speak." Jungkook felt relieved and everyone felt it.
"Okay, so my online friend inspired me to go outside and take a walk. Well, I was walking through the park when I saw this girl sitting alone. I got curious and walked over and saw her sketching! It was really beautiful! I sat beside her and introduced myself. She said her name was y/n. I watched as she finished her sketch and then I asked her to sketch me! This is what she did!"
Jungkook showed his hyungs the sketch, but something fell from the paper.
Taehyung picked up the photo that fell and his eyes widened. "Tae, isn't that the picture you took of the girl? Why is it with Jungkook," Hoseok asked. Taehyung shook his head, "no. I made a copy, hoping to give it to the girl. I saw her again today and gave this to her." Everyone looked up at Jungkook, who looked surprised.
"That's why she looked familiar!" Yoongi laughed, "Jungkook was the only one that was smart enough to get her name!" A few others laughed, but soon died out when they felt sadness with a mix of guilt. Everyone turned to Jimin.
"I saw her again today and I was trying to apologize. But I never got to. I was standing there, saying nothing. I could've apologized. I just stood there and watched her leave." Jin sat beside Jimin and tried to comfort him.

"I also met her again." All eyes go to Namjoon, who was sitting on the sofa. "She came into the library and was looking at some books. So I asked her if she was looking for anything. She just shook her head and walked away. She ended up turning around and gave me an apologetic smile before leaving the library."
He seemed a little upset. Maybe it was Jimin's feelings affecting him.

"She came back to the restaurant." Jin was looking at his hands. "She didn't seem too keen on talking to anyone, but she gave the waitress a $50 tip."
Everyone looked at Jin, shocked. "She did what?!" Jin just nodded. He couldn't find any words to say. He was happy that she was generous, but why not keep it for herself so she could survive?

Jungkook stretched, revealing a dark grey bird tattoo. Everyone's eyes went wide. "Jungkook, did you make any contact with people?" Jungkook looked confused, "yeah. A lot of people. Why?"
The boys pointed to his tattoo and Jungkook's eyes widened. He got really happy and started jumping around. This made the boys look at theirs. It was still a dark grey.
Who could be their other soulmate? They really wanted to know, but what if the person didn't?
Doubt crept into their minds until a ding from Jungkook's computer caught their attention.
Jungkook went into his room. After a few minutes he came back out. The boys looked at him and saw him smiling.
"You won't believe what my friend asked!" They looked at each other before looking back at Jungkook. "She wants to meet up! She said to meet up at the new Korean restaurant. My guess is Jin's restaurant." They widened their eyes. "When is this taking place?" Jin was now standing. Jungkook fell silent, "that's the thing. She wants to meet up in two days. Apparently she went through a bad shock today and apparently blacked out. She hit her head pretty hard off the floor." The boys winced. They understood why she would want to meet up after a few days. It was so she could recover.
They explained this to Jungkook and he seemed to understand.

That night, Jungkook stayed up talking to his friend. The boys could tell that this friend made Jungkook really happy. They were thankful for that. Whenever he was mad at them, she would put him in a better mood to where Jungkook was no longer mad at his soulmates.

Jungkook on the other hand, felt like that he had a special connection with y/g/n. He knew he was older than her by a month, but it wasn't that kind of connection. No, something deeper. Jungkook couldn't put his finger on it.

The boys listened to Jungkook talking to his friend. They smiled every time Jungkook laughed at something his friend said. They couldn't help but hope that Jungkook meeting this girl will do him some good.
But they weren't prepared for what was going to happen.

(Sorry, I didn't know what to write. So this is a shorter chapter.)

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