Chapter 27

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I fucked up.

I'm officially the worst person on this earth and I don't deserve any kind of sympathy or happiness. Well... maybe, I'm trying to be better but that doesn't mean my past actions will go without consequences. But this...?
Staring at my phone screen, empty, no messages or calls from anyone. I knew I fucked up, I knew this might happen but it didn't help with the pain that came with it. I'm so stupid!
I put my phone down and walked out of my friends' apartment and to my own. I needed to clear my head and what better way than to clean my mess of apartment?
I spent at least three hours cleaning my apartment when Mei walked into my apartment with a face that told me she did something that I might get upset about.
"Please, no more bad news." I practically begged.
"I saw your soulmates today when I went to go see Sam... I... um... I told them that it wasn't just your fault that you planned to use them. I told them that I was the one that said it first. I'm sorry I ever said anything about it! I hate to see you like this and I can't help but feel if I didn't try to get involved then maybe you would have done better!" At this point she was crying hard.
It was true, she should have kept to herself, but I was also at fault because I decided that I was going to do what I did. My actions, my free will put me in this position and I had no one to blame but myself. I let myself be swayed easily by my own fear and doubts and now, I'm paying for it.
"You're still putting yourself in my business, Mei." I say with a monotone, turning away from her. "You deliberately went behind my back to talk to them knowing that they are trying to think about what I did to them and you go and say stuff like that... I... I really like you as a friend, but you can't keep doing this. The beach? The plan? Even now? Will it ever be enough for you to be in my business?"
I was crying as well now, her sobs echoing in my apartment.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you! I just thought it would help you!"
"BUT IT DIDN'T! Don't you see?!" I turned to her, my own tears streaming down my face. "Our friendship was better before this? I made it like this as well as you did, I had a bigger role, but you still stayed behind me playing games as well."
Mei said nothing, knowing that I was right. Everything she said or did behind my back lead me to make the decisions I did but I had no right to blame her fully.
Silence filled the apartment beside Mei's occasional sniffles. It hurt me but she needed to know that I wasn't going to let her get into my business like that again.
"I think you should go... I'll... I'll contact you when I'm ready." I say as I turn around and start tying the trash bags.
"Please don't leave me..." Mei whimpers before leaving my apartment.
Did I do the right thing? I don't know... I don't know anymore. What am I supposed to do? Someone tell me what I'm supposed to do?!

Short chapter, but I'm not sure how to go about this... I'm trying to figure out the best plan of action for this story 🥲

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