Chapter 29

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The last box was packed and set by the door.

I was moving into a different place, in a different city. I had decided that a new beginning also meant a new place and I had enough money for it so why not use it?
I had just gotten off the phone with Namjoon not even 15 minutes ago but I wanted to talk to him again. Namjoon has been calling me every two to three days to "check up on me" and to keep me updated about the others. I don't think he is actually checking up on me, more like making sure I was still in reach... if that makes sense?
I had told him about me moving and how I felt like I needed to start fresh, clean slate. He was very supportive about it, saying that he thought it was a good idea.
I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door, I walk over and open it to see two men dressed in grey uniforms with the moving truck logo on it. I smile as I gesture to the boxes I had placed next to the door. I was leaving the furniture here, buying new furniture for my new house.
I helped carry boxes to the truck, hoping to ease the load. I was carrying a rather large box out of the apartment complex when my footing decided to get mixed up. I start stumbling but someone catches the box before it falls.
"Haaa, thank you." I say before looking over and the color draining from my face. "Y-Yoongi? What are you doing here?"
Yoongi looks down at the box, not looking at me for a while. I sigh softly before taking the box and putting it in the trunk as one of the men puts another box in the truck as well.
"Whelp, that's the last of it ma'am. We'll have your stuff delivered to your house by 3:40." The man says with a smile.
"Alright! Thank you so much for your help!" I say with a smile before the man gets in the truck and drives off.
"You're moving?" Yoongi's voice asks.
I turn to look at him with a confused look, "did Namjoon not tell you?"
"No... he only said that you were doing okay." He seemed hesitant in saying anything.
"Ah, ok." I say as I turn to walk back to my apartment before pausing. "You can come in if you want. I don't have much, but the furniture is still in there."
Yoongi stays outside for a bit before following me up the stairs and into my apartment. I notice him looking around, almost as if seeing what changed. I don't move, not knowing what to do or say.
"Are you moving because of us?" He suddenly questions.
I snap my head to look at him with a surprised expression. "What? No! No, I felt like I needed to have a fresh start. I... I needed to let go of my past and this place kept reminding me of how I held onto my past. It was time for a new start."
I give him a weak smile as my fingers brush over the couch that we had napped on before. I didn't know why Yoongi was here but I was glad to see him again, even if it was only this one time.
"What brings you out here? I know you guys don't live around here." I say, changing the subject.
"I... I wanted to see you for myself. I needed to know you were doing better." He says after a while, his eyes looking straight into mine.
I smile lightly, I may be a little selfish but I'm glad that he came to see me. I wanted to cry, but I knew I couldn't because I was the one who did this to myself.
"Yeah... I... uh... anyway, I'm glad I got to see you again. I hope the others are doing okay." I say as I turn around and start checking the room to see if I forgot anything.
"Are you running away again?" He suddenly asks.
I freeze, was I? No, in fact, I was moving on. I was facing my problems and even decided to put myself somewhere new to start over and try again. I smiled at myself, knowing that I could do this.
"No. I'm not running anymore. Because all I did was cause pain for those that I held dear. I know I can't go back and redo everything, but maybe I can continue going forward with a better understanding of my life." I say as I turn to look at him.
Yoongi looks at me and he seems slightly conflicted with himself. I don't know what I was thinking but I placed my new address in his hand and gave him a smile.
"If you ever want to check up on me, just stop by." I say before quickly turning around.
"Thank you."
"What?" I ask, turning to look at him. Surprised by what I heard.
"You know, I think I see why I needed to see you now. I'm glad I did." He says as he looks at me before walking up to me, looking down at me. "I'll come visit you when I need to check up on you."
I watch as he walks away and I tilt my head to the side. I don't know what to think about what happened but a part of me is happy to hear that he was going to see me again. I don't know when, but he said he was going to.
I get a notification saying my cab was here and walked down the stairs, saying goodbye to my old apartment.

Maybe I should get takeout for dinner...

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