Chapter 11

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I was waiting at the park for my soulmates. I had gotten dressed a bit more than I usually would.

 I had gotten dressed a bit more than I usually would

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I leaned back against the park bench and sighed. Today I was going to hang out with my soulmates in hope to avoid the forced marriage.
I know it sounds selfish, but please try to understand where I'm coming from. No one wants to go into a forced marriage. No one.
I start getting the static feeling telling me my soulmates are close. I start squirming on the bench. I soon see them and stand up.
The boys stop, uncertainty coming from them. I don't blame them, they probably thought I was going to run away again.
They don't move, so I walk up to them. Warning bells going off in my head telling me to run. But I can't, if I do, I'll be forced into a marriage I never agreed on.
Just thinking about it made me scared. The boys felt it and started walking towards me too.
When we finally meet, I look down. I couldn't look at them. I honestly felt ashamed of ignoring them and now basically using them.
"I'm sorry. I, I don't mean to hurt you. I, I am scared I will hurt your guys' relationship," I say weakly. I didn't want to hurt them, but I felt it every time I ran from them. Now, the only reason I come to them is to save my sorry ass.
Long arms wrap around me, I look up to see Jin. "Don't apologize Princess. You're not the first to have ran away from us," Jin says. Everyone turns and looks at Jungkook, who was looking at the suddenly interesting sky.
I try to hold in my laughter, but it comes out as a small giggle. I quickly cover my mouth when seven pairs of eyes look at me.

I forgot to mention earlier, you can only feel their emotions when they are really strong. Other than that, it's nothing... Sorry!!!!!

All of the sudden, Taehyung squealed, "OMO! Her giggle is so cute!" I blinked a few times, surprised at what I heard. This was the first time someone said my giggle sounded cute. I slowly start to feel the light pink coming to my cheeks.
I try to hide that I was blushing by bowing my head, but it didn't help. More coos about how cute I was came from the boys.
I eventually cut them off by asking if they want to go hang out a bit. The boys agreed and started pulling me somewhere.
I kept reminding myself that I was on a mission to save my sorry ass.

"What the hell?! No! You clearly cheated!" I give Taehyung and Jungkook a smug look while smiling victoriously.
I had just beat them at a game of Mario Kart and I had used my favorite character, Princess Peach. (You can chose a different character if you want.)
"How could I have cheated? You're obviously not as good as I am," I say dramatically, flipping my long hair. My hair was in a ponytail, like always, and when I flipped it, it landed on Hoseok's lap. "Oops, sorry."
"Wait. Can I braid your hair Sunshine," Hoseok asks with a smile. I hesitate, but eventually agree.
While he played with my hair, Jimin decided to join us in playing Mario Kart.

After playing another round, I give my controller to Namjoon, who wanted to play.
I sat there watching them play as Hoseok still played with my hair. His fingers going through my hair made me feel relaxed and safe. I closed my eyes as his fingers lulled me into oblivion.


Hoseok's POV!

I was messing with y/n's hair when she fell asleep. Her head was resting on the couch, it looked quite uncomfortable.
I stop messing with her hair and carefully stand up. I gently pick y/n up and place her on the couch.
Her phone was sticking out of her pocket and was about to fall out. So I took her phone and placed it on the coffee table.
The boys had stopped playing and were cooing over y/n and how cute she looked. Even Yoongi had a little smile on his lips.
I bound over to Yoongi and hug him. He slowly wraps his arms around me and continues to look at y/n.
Y/n's phone starts ringing and y/n is up with in a flash. She picks up her phone and leaves the living room to talk on the phone.
I can only make out her tone of voice, business like, but yet cheerful. She has this voice that welcomes you.
She got off the phone and looked at us. "Do any of you mind lending me a laptop for a few minutes," her voice was soft and sweet.
Yoongi broke the embrace and smiled at y/n. "Sure, follow me." We watched as Yoongi took y/n to his studio (*ahem* Genius lab *ahem*).

Sorry, this chapter is shorter because my brother decides to delete my pictures I use for the stories!!!!!

Yeah, so......bye for now!!!!!
(。◕  ˬ  ◕。)

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