Chapter 16

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I was sitting at the kitchen table, talking to Mei about what she saw. She had wanted all the details.
So I told her about the dream or nightmare all the way to Yoongi comforting me. She was fangirling so much about how I had finally warmed up to one of my soulmates. I just rolled my eyes at her as I continued to make progress with the puzzle.

 I just rolled my eyes at her as I continued to make progress with the puzzle

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(Actual picture)

I listen to Mei as she goes on about how proud she is of me. I just roll my eyes but smile at her.
My phone dings and I pick it up. I smile a little as I read the text from Yoongi.

Yoongi:  Have a nice day. Call me if you need anything.


"Ooo! You're finally texting him too!" I smile as I playfully smack Mei's arm. Mei laughs as she puts her hands up in mock surrender.

After Mei left, I decided to go for a walk in the park. I go to my room to get changed.

 I go to my room to get changed

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Yeah, I'm pretty lazy today. I put on my shoes, put my hair up into a ponytail, and grab my phone.
I walk out the door and head towards the park. As I walk, I put my ear buds in and turn on some music.
Making it to the park, I sit down on a bench. I give a little smile as I remember that this was the same bench I was sitting on when I met Jungkook.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Jungkook with a small smile.
"Is this spot taken," he asked, pointing to the spot next to me. "Um....," an idea comes to mind and I smile. "Actually, yes. My soulmate is sitting there." Jungkook seems to have caught on because he smiles and sits beside me.
"Hey. It's been a while," Jungkook says. I nod as I look out over the park. Silence falls upon us and I squirm in discomfort. "Hey. I'm sorry I cut you off. I guess I was surprised and scared. I really am sorry," I say as I look down at my hands.
Jungkook's hand comes and grabs a hold of mine. His body turns towards me and I slowly look up at him. His face is serious. "Y/n. It's fine. I did the same thing when I met the boys."
I give Jungkook a smile before pulling my hands away and hugging him. Jungkook immediately hugs me back as he whispers, "I want you as my soulmate and I always will want you."
Even if you found out about the forced marriage? I want to voice the question, but I keep quiet. I bury my head further into his neck and tears begin to fall.

Sorry, it's short because of school and other stuff. I'm so so so sorry!!!!!

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