Chapter 8

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Jin was cooking supper when unbearable pain shot up his left side. Jin could hear the others cry out in pain.
His knee was the worst. He turned off the stove and limped to the couch. Looking at his knee, he gasped.
Namjoon came limping into the living room and sat down beside Jin. "She must've fell," Namjoon said, pain laced in his voice. Yet, you could also hear a hint of worry in it as well.
The rest of the boys came limping into the living room and sat down on the couch. It was only a hour ago that Namjoon told them that they could feel each other's pain.
Namjoon's paper cut and Jimin choking on water when he was laughing. Now this.
They all looked at their knees and their eyes grew twice its regular size. It looked as if someone had put a cube block in it!
The pain was unbearable, but they could only imagine what y/n was going through.

The next day, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin were walking into their work place. They were still limping badly, but not as bad as yesterday.
"Dudes! What happened," they turned to see their coworker, Sam. They knew that he was friends with y/n and that he knew that she was their soulmate.
"Nothing." They then continued on their way. Limping.
They stopped when they felt guilt and overwhelming sadness come over them. Turning, they see Sam on his phone.
Yoongi went up to Sam and crossed his arms. "What did you do to y/n?" Sam looked up and almost cried out in fear. Pissed off Yoongi was scary, but what made it more scary, was the two angry boys behind him.
"I just asked what she did," Sam said, amazed that he didn't stutter.
Yoongi looked as if he could punch someone, "do you realize that you made her sad?!"
Yoongi didn't like people upsetting his soulmates. Do when he felt y/n's sadness, he couldn't help but get angry.
"Yoongi, calm down. He's y/n's friend. Don't hurt him," Hoseok said, even though he also wanted to punch Sam, but he knew that wouldn't make the situation better.

Yoongi's POV!

I sat in a small café after work. I had said I wanted to be alone to calm down. The boys seemed reluctant, but went home.
I was sipping on some Tae - I mean tea - when I heard the little bell ring. Looking up, I see y/n limping into the café. Yet she seems to be dealing with the pain fine.
I continue drinking my tea as I watch her order a drink. I keep my head low as she comes and sits behind me.
"Miss, your black coffee." "Oh! Thank you," y/n said. I couldn't help but notice that her voice was soothing and soft. Opposite of the black coffee she was sipping on.
My phone rang and I cursed under my breath. I quickly stand and walk out of the café.
"What?" I was unhappy that whoever called me, ruined my peaceful moment. "Yah! Is that how you treat your elders?! Rude!"
I sigh when I hear Jin's voice. "What is it HYUNG," I say, emphasize the last word. I hear him scoff through the phone, "you should be home now. Where are you? I'll come pick you up."
I tell him my location and as I wait for him, y/n walks out of the café with her phone to her ear.
"Miss, you do understand that it'll take a few days to make your sign.....I understand that you want it quickly, but please realize that as a graphic designer, it still takes time to get the project finished.... Okay, I'll send you the sign in about a week... Okay, goodbye."
So she was a graphic designer. I soon felt the feeling of annoyance that was from her.
"Took time out of my day to come have a meeting and they don't even show up," y/n muttered and I tried not to laugh. She then straitens her ponytail before walking away.

A few minutes later, Jin finally arrives at the café. I get in the car and Jin turns to me, "why were you annoyed?" I look at him, "it wasn't me. It was y/n." Jin's eyes widened when he heard what I said. "What? How do you know that?" "She was at the café. She's also a graphic designer. She got annoyed at a customer," I explained. Jin nodded and kept driving.


I want to die! This woman keeps changing what she wants for her business' sign! I'm about to lose it!
I groan in frustration before falling back on to my bed. I close my eyes and try to relax. My phone goes off and I pick it up to see Mei had texted me.

Mei:  Hey, you busy?

Yeah, why?

Mei:  Wanted to know if you could come help me with moving...😅

You're moving?!😲 Where? Why?!😢

Mei:  We're moving closer to you!😁 Surprise!😄

Wait! Really?!😲😄

Mei:  Yeah!😂 I hated living so far away from you.😔

So when are you moving?😕

Mei:  Um...tomorrow..😅

Why didn't you tell me sooner?!😡

It was supposed to be a surprise.😢


Mei:  Are you still up for hanging out this weekend?🙂

Yeah, sure😌

Mei:  Y/n~!😭

I'm kidding!😂

Mei:  Rude..😡
Mei:  Whelp, seeya later!👋🏻

I sigh as I turn off my phone. I then turn to my laptop to continue working.

6 hours later I had finally finished the sign.
(I actually made this! So enjoy my artwork!)

Finally satisfied, I send it to the witch, I mean the customer

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Finally satisfied, I send it to the witch, I mean the customer. About 26 minutes later I got a notification for money going into my bank account.
"Holy crap! She doubled the payment! Yes!!" I did a little victory dance until my knee started hurting again.
I groan as I sit down on my bed. I look down at my knee and sigh. It's better than a few days ago, but a big bruise covers my knee.
I wonder how my soulmates are handling this?

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