Chapter 26

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Jungkook made it back home with Y/n sleeping in his arms. The others quickly opened the door to let him in and they each had worried faces as they looked at their female soulmate sleeping in Jungkook's arms. Namjoon took Y/n from Jungkook and went upstairs before placing her on his bed again. He then went downstairs and looked at Jungkook, who seemed to be deep in his head. Namjoon sighed and wrapped his arms around Jungkook before placing a kiss on his temple.
"Don't blame yourself for what happened. You ended up finding her and that's what matters..." Jin says as he joins in on the hug.
Jin had felt the anxiety from his soulmate and if he was being honest, he also had anxiety about the situation as well. His mind was in disarray after he had called Jungkook, he didn't understand why Y/n was doing this and it tired him out mentally and physically. Jin looked around and saw everyone else had almost the same thought and look on their face.

Jin was making dinner as the others sat in the living room watching the TV. Everyone has calmed down after an hour of Y/n being brought back, but their thoughts still ran rampant on their minds. Thoughts of their last soulmate not wanting them or the thought of rejection.
The creaking of a door opening upstairs made them tense up, even as the soft footsteps came down the stairs and they all saw Y/n looking at them with a look of contemplation.
"Is everyone here?" She asks quietly.
"Jin is in the kitchen making dinner... is everything okay?" Taehyung says as he grips onto Jimin's hand tighter.
"I wish to speak with all of you..."
The feeling of cold dread rushed through each and every boy sitting on the couch. They felt as if their worst fears were coming true. Yoongi was the first to break the silence as he stood up and went into the kitchen to get Jin, he didn't want to keep sitting in silence and let his thoughts run wild.
"Hey Jin, can you pause what you're doing?" Yoongi asks as he walks into the kitchen.
Jin nods and turns off the stove before taking a deep breath. He had felt the dread feeling from the others through the bond and knew something wasn't right.
"Everything okay?" Jin asked as he wiped his hands on his apron before taking it off.
"Y/n wants to speak to us..."
Jin didn't like the sound of that but nodded as he followed his soulmate out of the kitchen and into the living room. Y/n was standing in front of TV, facing the couches that the boys sat on. She saw their looks of dread, sadness, and fear, but she gave no indication that my belie their fears.
"Um... I don't really know how to go about this, but I definitely know that I have to do it now... I probably should have done it sooner... please don't say anything until after I finish please." Y/n says quietly.
The boys look at her as they try not to think of the worst. Y/n took a deep breath before looking at them each in the eyes.
"I know I'm not the best soulmate you could have asked for... I know me running away was really annoying and hard on you guys... my bipolar actions probably left all of you confused and frustrated... I'm sorry, I know those words don't mean much but I'm wanting to TRY and make up for it.
What I'm about to tell you might make you upset or mad at me... and please, show your emotions to me, I truly do deserve it for what I've been doing... I hate... have been hating myself for this, but I decided to stop and just tell you. My father is a big reason for everything I've been doing but I'm not going to blame him fully because I also decided my actions with my own free will."
There was a pause as Y/n took another deep breath before going into what she really wanted to say to them.
"Currently, my father is trying to force me into an arranged marriage, this has been going on for a while now... at first I was afraid of what he would do but I then thought of the idea that I might be able to use you guys to get out of it... but I can't anymore... getting to know you guys had been the best thing to ever happen to me and I'm destroying it by my own selfish reasons! I understand if you're angry with me and you have every right to be, I've been hiding from you for so long and as soon as I come into your life I just cause trouble... I honestly don't deserve you guys... I knew that from day one of meeting you guys. I'm... I'm so sorry for not telling you the truth..."
There was silence as the boys stoically looked at the female. Her eyes glanced at each of them, slowly losing sight of the little hope that she had left. The silence stretched out before Jimin stood up and walked out of the room. The others slowly began to follow until it was just Namjoon and Y/n.
"Give us time..."
"I... we're a little hurt by your actions... we need time to process everything. Do you have a safe place to stay the night tonight?"
"My friends live near my apartment..."
"Namjoon... I'm sorry."
Namjoon looked down slightly at Y/n's glistening eyes as tears gathered in them. He only nodded before walking out, leaving Y/n by herself. Y/n broke as soon as he was out of sight. Her not so quiet sobs leaving her body.
Namjoon stood at the foot of the stairs with his other soulmates as they listened to her cry, their faces hardened with a melancholic expression. They wanted to comfort her but they also felt... betrayed in a way.
Namjoon and Hoseok made sure she safely got a ride to her friends' place before making no more contact with her that day.

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