Chapter 28

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"No. I told you this last time you called. I'm not going to marry the guy!" I yell into the phone.

My dad had the audacity to keep calling me over the last few days. It's been two weeks since I heard from the boys but I've come to accept the fact that maybe I just ruined my chances with them.
"You're going to get your ass over here or I'll come get you myself." My dad seethes on the other side of the phone.
"Go fuck yourself." I say before hanging up.
I'm done being scared of my dad, I'm done being tied down because of my past. I'm going to work on myself to become a better person and hopefully make a better life for myself.
My phone starts ringing again and I don't bother to answer the phone, knowing my dad is pissed at my choice of words towards him. The phone stops ringing and I sigh as I walk into my kitchen, putting a kettle on the stove for some tea.
My phone starts ringing again and an irritated sigh escapes my lips. Picking up the phone without looking I put it to my ear and practically growl.
"Listen here old man, I'm tired of you blowing up my phone and threatening me into marriage! For the last time! No! Go find someone else to screw and get a kid to do you bidding." I say into the phone. I was met with silence. "Hello?"
"Hi." Namjoon's voice says and the color drains from my face. Oh shit...
"Hiiiii!!!" I say awkwardly. "Ho-how are you?"
"Better, but what was that rant about?" My soulmate questioned.
Before I could stop it, another sigh escapes my lips. "It's just my dad and his usual obsession of an arranged marriage."
The kettle started whistling as I put the phone on speaker so I could finish my tea. I grabbed myself some (f/t) and put it into the cup before pouring water into the cup.
"How... how are the others?" I asked nervously.
"... they miss you. But they don't know how to talk to you." Namjoon says.
"With reason." I say as I decide to also make myself a snack, eating it as I wait for my tea.
"How've you been?" He asks, his voice sounding soft and quiet.
"Better... I don't think I'll ever be 100% but hey! At least I'm still living!" I joke but was met with silence. "Sorry, bad joke..."
Silence seemed to stretch between us before I decided to speak up again.
"Um... is there a reason you called?" I asked as I pulled out the teabag and throwing it into the trash.
"...... I wanted to hear your voice but I guess I chose a bad time to call." He says.
"Oh no, you didn't! I just thought you were my dad. Not saying you act or sounded like him! I... I just didn't read who was calling..." I say quickly before groaning in embarrassment.
Silence was met with my rambling before a chuckle was heard. I let my head fall into my hands as I listened to him chuckle.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "Um..."
"I'm guessing you're dad is still giving you a hard time these past few weeks." He says, almost as if he was uncomfortable saying it. I know I would be if I stopped talking to someone to think things through because of their choice of actions.
"Yeah, but I'm used to it by now. Nothing he says affects me like it used to. It took a lot of pain, suffering, and tears for me to realize that I'm better than I was. I can't always let my past control my present and future or I'll be stuck fearing everything and everyone. I need to face reality, face him head on and fight for what I believe in and what I love. I just can't believe it took me this long to realize that." I say as I pick up my tea cup and phone before sitting at the dining table.
I was met with silence again and honestly started thinking I said something wrong. Trying to go over what I said, I couldn't find anything.
"Hello?" I asked.
"I'm here. Sorry." Namjoon responds, he sounded breathless, his voice slightly wavering.
"I'm guessing there is another reason for your call..." I say, feeling like he was holding back something from me.
"There was... but I don't think I want to say it anymore... I... I have to rethink things... I guess I just wanted to check up on you." He hesitates.
I only hum, knowing that he probably called for a reason I wouldn't like but was well deserved on my end. I take a drink of my tea, hoping the slight pain I felt would go down with it. I force a smile on my face, hoping it wouldn't be noticeable through the phone.
"Okay! Well I'm glad everyone is doing better. It... it was nice talking to you." I say as I place my cup on the table.
"Y-yeah. I'm glad to hear things are going better." He mumbles.
"I guess this is goodbye for now." I respond with another forced smile.
"I don't like goodbyes." Namjoon whispers, almost as if he was hesitant to hang up.
"Then, I'll talk to you again." I say softly.
"I like that better." I hear the small smile and smile a little myself.
"I'll talk to you again, Namjoon." I say as I take the phone off of speaker and put it up to my ear.
"Talk to you again..." Namjoon responds before the line is cut.
I turn off my phone and place it face down on the table. I'm glad they're doing better, but something tells me that they're still hurting and I'm to blame. I take a deep breath before finishing off my tea.

I think I'll go skateboarding...

I feel my writers block finally going away!!!! I feel so happy so I decided to post this chapter!!

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