Chapter 17

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Jungkook and I are talking again. Well, on our game. He was so happy, I could feel his happiness inside me. I smiled as I opened my computer and saw a message from Jungkook.

Letzgetit:  Y/n!! Want to play a game or two?!

Y/g/n:  Sorry Jungkook.... I'm going to be busy today.....

Letzgetit:  Oh, okay...Maybe next time?

Y/g/n:  Absolutely!

I close the tab and put on some music before I start sketching. I decided to do a free sketch before doing the actual sketch I needed to do. Because why not?

I am surprised to find myself sketching Yoongi, but can't help but smile as I continue the sketch. After I finish sketching, I look at the sketch and smile at my work. I tear out the page and put it in the drawer of the side stand. I then start working on my actual sketch, which I might color if I have time.

Happy with my work, I carefully rip out the page and put it in a large envelope. I put the address on the envelope before getting dressed to go outside.

 I put the address on the envelope before getting dressed to go outside

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I grab my bag, phone, and envelope before walking out of my apartment. I walk over to the mailbox and carefully put the envelope in. I then make my way to the grocery store. I grab a basket and start wondering around the store, grabbing things I need.

I turn the corner and run into something, or someone. I look up to see Jin. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you," I say as I get myself off the floor. I give a small nod before leaving. Jin grabs my wrist and I turn and look at him, "yes?" He looks like he wants to say something, but no words are forming.

"Um, I was wondering," Jin seemed uncomfortable and I honestly felt sorry for him. "Yah, Jin. You're good at cooking. How should I cook the rice to make Onigiri," I ask, trying to make him comfortable. His face lights up and he goes into a full on description of how to make them. "W-wait! Jin, maybe you could help me? Because I can't remember all this," I say with a nervous laugh.

So, here I am, making Onigiri with Jin. To be honest, he's quite handsome when focusing on cooking. Even more handsome than when he's not cooking. I need to stop. I sigh as I continue to work on the rice. A hand comes and rests on top of mine. "You're doing it wrong. You need to do it like this," Jin said as he guided my hands the way they're supposed to. Blush covers my cheeks and I try to hide my face.

Finally! The Onigiris are done! I look at them with a smile. "They look amazing! Good job y/n," Jin said, coming up behind me. "Ah, thank you. Here, take some for the boys. I'm sure they'll appreciate them," I say.

"Are you sure?" I nod and put some on a plate and put plastic wrapping over them

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"Are you sure?" I nod and put some on a plate and put plastic wrapping over them. I give the plate to Jin with a smile. He looks at me before smiling and taking the plate. "Thanks y/n." "No, thank you. I finally know what I was doing wrong," I say sheepishly. Jin laughs and I can't help but laugh with him. "Bye y/n." "Bye, be safe!"

I'm sorry for not posting for a long time! I've been busy.....

Me: Tae                        You: J-Hope

Me: Tae                        You: J-Hope

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