29 Relocating (935)

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-Iruka's point of view-

I woke up with a pain in my arm, but my head moved from that thought when I realized that the pained arm was being held by a man.
I smiled to myself, at how cute Kakashi looked, and I was thankful that he took me to bed last night.
My smile soon faded into anger though. I used my unfilled hand to comb over the obvious bite marks he had on his neck from Yamato. They had slightly scabbed over, but they were still hard to look at.

"Iruka?" Kakashi asked, draping one of his arms over my back.

"Sorry to wake you." I smiled.

"It's alright." Kakashi yawned, rolling into my side.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked, cuddling him back.

"For the most part. But I had a weird dream." Kakashi admitted, looking up at me sleepily, his Sharingan closed.

"What was it about?" I replied, hoping Kakashi would tell me the truth.

"That kid Kamado just stirred up some old memories of my father." Kakashi explained, sighing softly.

"What was he on about?" I asked.

"He mistook me for my father, and had supposedly spent his whole life searching for me." Kakashi chuckled, it was very cute.

"And he didn't know he had passed?" I asked, trying to phrase it as nicely as I could.

"I guess not. It's a shame to see such youth fall. He kind of reminds me of Sasuke." Kakashi chuckled once more.
I nodded in agreement.

We sat silent for a couple seconds, embracing each other, but Kakashi soon spoke.

"I'm sorry about storming out like that the other day. I know you were just trying to help." He gripped onto my shirt tighter, balling it in his fist a little, out of shame.

I smiled to myself, "I'm sorry too. I should've let you behave how you wanted to, I shouldn't be so controlling." I caressed my lovers hair, something he had grown to love.

I sighed through my nose, looking out of the window in our bedroom.

"We need to move into the Hokage's living space tomorrow, Tsunade just moved all her stuff out." Kakashi smiled, keeping his eyes closed, enjoying me petting him.

"Oh, really? I guess we'll start that this evening." I concluded, not wanting to start now because I wanted to stay with Kakashi for a little while longer.


I was waking up TenTen and explaining that we were moving again, while Kakashi made breakfast in the kitchen.

"We'll start packing our things after breakfast, ok?" I asked TenTen, picking him up from his bed, and walking out of his room.

"Ok." He said drowsily, rubbing his eyes.

I sat TenTen on the couch and walked into the kitchen to meet with Kakashi.
"What did you decide to make?" I asked, leaning over his shoulder.

"Just rice and saury." He responded, stirring the fish inside the pan.

"Isn't that your favorite food?" I asked, pointing to the fish in the pan.

"Yeah, but not when it's cooked like this."He said, gesturing to the dish, pulling it off of the stove.

"Right, when it's broiled." I smiled, but secretly thought that my lover had a very odd sense of taste.

"Come here Tenza, breakfast is ready." Kakashi ordered, dishing the meal into bowls.

TenTen came running into the kitchen, almost tripping on the raised step in the doorway.
He gripped onto Kakashi's leg, looking up at him to see what had been prepared.

"Don't spill it anywhere." Kakashi said, handing the boy a bowl of rice with a little bit of grilled fish on the top. Considering the scarcity of toppings on TenTen's food, I assumed that Kakashi probably kept most of the saury for his own plate.
"And you too." He smiled as he handed me my helping.

I rolled my eyes and followed TenTen to the living room.
As I sat down, I saw Kakashi out of the corner of my eye. He was walking back into the bedroom.
"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To take a shower." He replied, stopping to look at me as he stood in the doorway to our bedroom.

"Are you not going to eat?" I purposely sounded concerned, not trying to hide it. I wanted Kakashi to know that I had noticed.

"I've felt kind of nauseous since this morning. I don't feel like eating." He explained, furrowing his eyebrows in a wince.

"That's probably just chakra exhaustion from yesterday." I assured, "If you don't want to eat, then at least drink something before you go to work." I smiled peacefully as Kakashi left for the bathroom.


"Kakashi you'll make us late again." I warned, holding TenTen in my arms eagerly.

"I know, I know." He replied, turning a corner while he scattered to put his Hokage garments on.

I sighed as he bent over to put his shoes on, "You really need to get better about this." I laughed.

"Yeah, but I may be stalling just to not go to work." Kakashi looked up at me swiftly, before he stood up.

"Wow, who would've thought." I rolled my eyes, "Come on, I'll be late then."
I knew Kakashi was worried about Yamato, and I was too, but I didn't want to fuel his anxiety.

"Alright." Kakashi opened and closed the door for me and TenTen, following behind us.


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