5 The Kiss (609)

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I snapped back to reality, only to hear, "I think you should leave..." and Kakashi breathing shallowly.

"Wait! Why?!" I asked, I knew why he wanted me gone, but I wanted to hear him say it.

"I-I...I don't think you understand what you've just tried to do." Kakashi sighed, adjusting his mask agian.

"Then tell me why it bothers you so much." I demanded softly, trying not to scare him.

Kakashi sighed again, "Will you not question my answer?" He asked.

"No, I won't." I assured.

He let out a long drawn out sigh, once more, and turned to me.

"When I was 4, I was always a shy kid, my fathers death didn't help. I guess you can say I was picked on, being the son of a dishonored ninja and all, but I was only a small child, so it's not like I payed to much attention to them." Kakashi started.

I nodded my head for him to continue.

"But as I got older, around 7, I started to notice it, I was so damn scared of them, that I resorted to hiding my face, to steer clear of them, first with a scarf, and then with one of these, and then the one I always wear now." He finished.

I, again, felt pity for this Copy Nin.

I leaned in for a loose hug, carful not to put pressure on the wrong wound.

He followed suit, lightly putting his hands on my back.

"It's ok to be scared Kakashi." I said.

Kakashi sighed into my shoulder.

We stayed in this embrace for about 30 more seconds, until, Kakashi parted and asked, " Can...you close you eyes?"

I obliged, but he also put one of his hands over my eyes.

I was confused but obeyed.

A few seconds later I felt lips on mine. They were very cold and corse, but somehow comforting.

It took me a second to realized that Kakashi was the one doing this.

At first it was just a light, stationary kiss, but Kakashi soon started to get more intimate,
moving his lips against mine. I wanted to taste him, so I opened my mouth a little, inviting Kakashi in.

He seemed taken aback by this, but followed through with my request.

He tasted better that I imagined, like Sake, and green apple, but I wanted to look him in the eyes.
I placed one of my hands over Kakashi's, asking if I could remove it.

He hesitated, but slowly slid back his hand, weaving it into my hair.

I kept my eyes closed for a second, until I opened them slowly, letting me look into his eyes.

I smiled into the kiss, I wasn't too worried about what his face looked like right now, so I didn't bother trying to look.

I then realized that I needed to breath, it seemed Kakashi had the same idea.
He slid his tongue out of my mouth and parted from me, with a string of saliva separating us.

I panted a little, Kakashi doing the same.
I still wasn't focused on what Kakashi's face looked like, so I wasn't trying to look at it.

He pulled his surgical mask up, covering his face once more.

"What was that for?" I asked, in between pants.

"I don't know." He said.

We didn't do much more than that that day.

I told him that I didn't even see the bottom half of his face, I just looked him in the eyes.
He seemed very relieved by me saying this, so I smiled, and chuckled a little.

I eventually just went home, hugging Kakashi good bye.

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