7 A Child (657)

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-Iruka's point of view-

I had woken up around 7 am, Kakashi was still asleep, laying into my chest.

I was confused about why we were like this, when I remembered the conversation we had last night. I smiled and pet Kakashi a little, before trying to figure out how I would get up, without waking him up.


I decided to just stay there in Kakashi's lap until he woke up, which was a lot sooner than I expected.

At about 9 am he startled himself awake again.

I sighed, but than smiled, "Hello."

"Hi." He said back, raspy, but coherent.

"Sleep well?" I asked, hoping that Kakashi wouldn't lie.

"Not really, but I guess it was good enough." Kakashi smiled, looking up at me, but then laying his head back on my chest.

I frowned, "Wanna talk about it..?" I asked.

"It was just the same old, same old. Nothing to worry about." He assured.

I really didn't believe him, but I didn't want to spark an argument.

I untangled myself from Kakashi and stood up, stretching.
Kakashi stood up as well, walking behind me and grabbing my waist, laying his head on my shoulder.

"Come on, we need to go see Tsuande-Sama, for your evaluation." I said, grabbing his hands and lightly pulling them to my side.

"Evaluation?" He asked, grabbing his hands back and standing up straighter.

"Well, that's what she told me. She's probably trying to see when she can reinstate your ceremony." I said.

He smiled and walked into his room. Before he closed the door I said, "I'll meet you there. All my clothes are at my house."

I heard him say back, "Alright, don't be late."

"Your one to talk." I said under my breath, chuckling, as I walked out of his apartment.


I was on my way to The Red House, and planed to meet Kakashi there.

I was wearing formal clothing, a white shirt under a loose black suit coat, with my headband on.

My mind started wandering on my walk there.

"I wonder what Kakashi will be wearing?" I asked myself.
"Probably just his jonin uniform." I sighed, smiling.

-Kakashi's point of view-

I heard Iruka close the door to my apartment.

I got my clothes ready and walked out of my room to the bathroom.
When I stepped inside I undressed, and started to wash myself in the shower.

After a while of just standing in the stream of water, I actually started to get nervous about my ceremony.

"Am even fit to be hokage?" I asked myself.
"Naruto, or Sasuke, hell, even Obito deserves it more than me. I don't even know why I was nominated." I sighed, stepping out of the shower and then getting dressed.


I started walking to The Red House, the residence of the Hokage.

I was wearing my headband and mask, like I always did, and was wearing, I guess, my extra formal attire.

I was wearing my headband and mask, like I always did, and was wearing, I guess, my extra formal attire

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I was wearing what I usually do, but it was specific for special occasions.

It was slightly darker, and less worn down.
I was supposed to keep it zipped up, unlike my original one, that I always had unzipped.


I was almost to my destination when I heard a little noise from around a tree.

I was skeptical, but soon went to investigate.

"Hello?" I asked.

A kid slowly moved from aside the tree, "Uh, hello?" I asked again.

"What's your name?" The kid asked.

"Hatake." I answered.
"What's yours?"

"Just call me TenTen." They said.

They seemed to be a little boy, maybe seven years old.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm looking for the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village!" TenTen yelled into my ear.

"Well, I'm on my way there so, you can come with me." I offered.

"Ok!" TenTen yelled again.

I picked the boy up, like a toddler, and carried him to The Red House.

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