13 The Academy (1013)

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-Iruka's point of view-

I woke up to TenTen and Kakashi sitting up from the couch. TenTen was pulling a drowsy Kakashi to the kitchen by his arm.

"What are you doing?" I asked, sitting up.

"Sorry if I woke you, Tenza said he was hungry." Kakashi apologized, smiling.

"It's alright. What's the time?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"I'd say about eight in the morning." Kakashi replied, yawning.

"We need to go to the Red House, to schedule your ceremony." I said, standing up from the couch and stretching.

"Ok, I'll make breakfast." Kakashi offered, letting TenTen drag him into the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" I heard Kakashi ask.

I heard TenTen yell but I couldn't make out what he said. I could, however, hear Kakashi groan from displeasure at the sudden noise. I chuckled a little bit, but then went to my room to change.


I walked out of my room, with my uniform on, to see Kakashi and TenTen eating, on the coffee table, in the living room.

They looked so cute!

"What are you eating?" I asked, sitting next to Kakashi.

"Rice and grilled fish." Kakashi answered, offering me his rice bowl.

I smiled and took the offering, "Thank you." I said.

"What time do we need to leave?" Kakashi asked.

"Around eleven." I answered.

"I've been thinking, what if Tenza enrolled in the academy?" Kakashi said, finishing his breakfast.

"I'm not saying that's not a good idea, but why would we do that?" I asked, generally curious why Kakashi would care.

"He's still a young kid, he shouldn't be robbed of academics just because of his parents." Kakashi said, "And so he's somewhere other than our house when we're gone." He joked.

"I can take him with me to work today to enroll." I said, placing the empty bowl of rice down on the table.

"That'd be great. I have another mission with Team 7 today anyways." Kakashi said, standing up, and taking  his dishes to the kitchen.

TenTen handed his plate to Kakashi, and crawled over to me.

"I don't want to go to the academy..." He whispered, which is concerning, because he always yells.

"Why?" I asked.

"A boy from the academy was being mean to me..." He whispered again.

"Who?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"He had a black eye, and he said that he was stronger than me because he was the best kid at the academy." TenTen said, wiping little tears from his eyes.

"Well, I'll enroll you in my class, so I'll look out for you." I assured him, smiling.

TenTen smiled to, then went back to his jittery self, running back to Kakashi in the kitchen.

I chuckled once more, standing up from the ground, and getting my shoes on.

"Are you ready Kakashi?" I asked, to remind him that he needed to be.

"Oh yeah." Kakashi said, rinsing the dishes and setting them in the sink.

He walk out of the kitchen with TenTen behind him, "I'm gonna take a shower. Feel free to leave for the academy." He said, walking to our room.

I smiled and picked TenTen up.

"Let's get you dressed." I said, walking over to TenTen's room.
We had gotten a lot of Naruto's old clothes from when he was about TenTen's age, so he had plenty of options.


I had gotten TenTen dressed, and as I walked out of his room I met Kakashi in the living room.

"I thought you had left already." He said relived, standing up and walking over to me.

I was surprised that he had gotten ready so fast.

Kakashi pecked me on my lips, and walked out the front door.

My mind went blank, and I blushed.

"What was that for?" I whispered under my breath.

I walked behind Kakashi, but turned towards the academy, in the opposite direction.

"When we get to the academy, I might have to leave you there, just for a little bit. Because me and Kakashi need to meet with the Hokage for something important." I explained to TenTen.

He nodded his head slowly.

"It'll just be for a little bit, like the last hour of your class, then me and Kakashi will pick you up, and bring you back home." I explained again.

TenTen smiled.


Me and TenTen had reached the academy and we walked inside. I walked to my classroom, and settled my students down.

"Today we will be practicing our shuriken accuracy." I said, "And we will be joined with my friend here, Tenza." I introduced, placing TenTen on my desk.

"Who's he?" A student asked, pointing at TenTen.

"He's a friend of mine." I answered.

"Now that there are no more questions, let's start our training." I said.

That was my classes queue to line up at the door and meet me outside.


I had handed out shuriken to my students and gave one to TenTen to inspect.

I gave simple direction, then met with TenTen on a bench.

"Where's Hatake?" TenTen asked, looking up at me.

"He's on a mission with his Team. He's a sensei, kind of like me." I replied.

"Can I go with him next time?" TenTen asked, yelling.

"What's wrong with the academy?" I asked, pretending to get my feelings hurt.

"Nothing, but I just want to do something! Like throwing stuff, like them-" TenTen pointed at my students, "And go on missions, like Hatake!" He yelled.

"Maybe when you're older." I chuckled, pulling TenTen in my lap.


It was about nine-o-clock, my students had finished their assignments, so I led them inside, assigned homework, and they left.

"Come on TenTen, it's time to go home." I said, a little fatigued.

"Ok." He said, a little tired himself.

I picked him up and he laid his head on my shoulder.

I smiled and started walking home.
I'm glad i didn't have to leave TenTen after all. Kakashi's mission was going to last late into the night, so Lady Tsunade decided to cancel the meeting.

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