3 Arival (1506)

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-Iruka's point of view-

We entered the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village, I took Kakashi to the infirmary immediately, waiting next to his bed, he had fallen back to sleep the rest of the way here.

I was making sure they didn't take off his mask, I assured them he had no injuries under it and demanded that they leave it alone, he seemed very disturbed that his face was almost exposed to me and a rouge rock ninja.


A while later, maybe 2 hours, I was going through Kakashi's knapsack.

I found one of his adult books, and rolled my eyes, but I soon realized that inside was actually pictures.
Not of women, or weird kinky stuff, but off his students, and what looked like, his family.

I started flipping through the pages. All of them had the original contents covered with sentimental pictures.

To think that every time Kakashi was reading this, he was actually looking at his family, "No wonder he kept reading the same book over again." I thought to myself.

I turned to a sleeping Kakashi, properly stitched and cleaned up, and I smiled softly.

"He was such a nice man, just had a hard childhood." I whispered to myself.

I saw him stiffen, and shift in his bed, I assumed he was uncomfortable, so I peeled back the thick blanket covering him and took off his headband off, setting it on the table next to him. He was practically shirtless, I couldn't believe 40% of his weight was muscle.

He didn't seem to relax, so I sighed and sat next to him on the bed. I pat and rubbed his back, massaging it, weaving my hand into his hair at one point, rubbing his neck.

It almost sounded like he was whimpering to my touch. I couldn't tell if it was because it was helping or if it was making him worst, so I stopped and laid next to him, flipping through the repurposed Icha Icha novel.

When I laid down, Kakashi rolled into my leg, pressing his body against mine. His bare skin was clammy and cold, but comforting.

A couple minutes later, I was towards the end of Kakashi's scrapbook when I saw pictures of me.
Some with him and I together and some with just myself.

I blushed a little, not knowing why.

I looked back at Kakashi who was twitching again, rolling around, and sweating.

I took the blanket completely off the bed, and laid my hand on his back again.

The second I did so, Kakashi startled awake.

"Ah-Kakashi! Are you ok?" I asked.

It took a second for him to snap back to reality, but when he did, he observed his surroundings. He turned over from his side to his back with a grunt, moving away from me slightly, looking at me, keeping his Sharingon closed.

I smiled, "Are you ok?" I asked again.

He stiffly nodded, I could tell he was sore and in pain.

"What time is it?" He asked, in a scruffy, tough voice, that sounded very hypnotic.

"Uh, about eleven." I said.

He stood with a grunt and then sighed, grabbing his headband, not putting it on, but just holding it in his hand.

"Woah, what at are you doing?" I asked putting my hands on his chest lightly, after I had stood up, stopping him from moving any further.

"Home, sensei." He said blatantly, sleep still in the base of his voice.

Iruka x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now