20 Early Morning (1077)

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In the morning, when I woke up, it was still practically dark outside.

The living room was still dark, but you could still make out certain objects, like tables, and where door frames were.

I heard the shower in the bathroom turn off, and I sat up from the couch.

When I did, I felt a blanket fall off of me, "Aw, Kakashi covered me up." I thought.

I could barely make out the outline of Kakashi leaving the bathroom, but I could see his towels clearly, because they were white.

He had one wrapped around his waist and another, he was using to dry off his hair.

I was concerned as to why he was up so early.

I stood up from the couch and walked silently to our bedroom.

I knocked and walked in, not waiting for an answer.

"Oh, you scared me." Kakashi sighed, pulling his spandex undershirt over his head.
He had his underwear on, and that was it.

"Sorry." I apologized.

I walked to our bed and sat on it.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked.

Kakashi glanced over at me, but then focused on putting his pants on instead.

"I didn't finish some reports, and didn't read some requests yesterday, so I wanted to get a head start."He said.

"Well aren't you Mr.Responsible." I teased.

"Yeah, yeah. I just want to do my job. I don't want my stay to be a waste of time, I want to change the village." Kakashi explained, smiling weakly.

"I thought you didn't want to be Hokage." I said, tilting my head.

"I didn't, but I didn't really have a choice either. But, I guess, if I am going to do this than I might as well  do it right." Kakashi said, pulling his grey vest over his shoulder, and buttoning the collar to it.

I stood up and kissed him, combing his hair with my hand.

"Do you want breakfast?" I asked, walking out of the room.

I heard him chuckle and then shuffled behind me, coming to a walk as we entered the kitchen.

"The usual?" I asked, turning on the lights.

"Please." He said, closing his Sharingan and rubbing it.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, just conserving energy." He chuckled again.
"I'll get TenTen." Kakashi offered.

"Actually, Team 7 said that they would watch him today." I smiled.

"Really?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah. They said that they wanted to get to know him better, so I said that they could watch him while I was at work." I explained.

Kakashi smiled and walked into the living room.

I prepared breakfast and was going to go wake up TenTen so he could eat.

When I did, I came back to Kakashi getting ready to leave, he had his hat on and his coat folded in his arms.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Sorry, I did say I was going to get a head start." Kakashi said.

"Then we'll come with you, I'll bring breakfast to-go." I said.

Kakashi smiled, "What about Tenza?" He asked, setting his coat down on the couch.

"Naruto will pick him up from the Red House." I explained.

Kakashi nodded and sat on the couch.

I set TenTen down and went to the kitchen to pack our breakfast into bentos.


We were walking into Kakashi's office, and when we entered, I saw Yamato standing at his desk, kind of looking through this papers.

"Tenzou?" Kakashi asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, sorry, I was waiting for you. I am supposed to know where you are at all times." Yamato defended.

"Alright...Do you want some breakfast then?" Kakashi offered.

Yamato nodded and walked out in front of Kakashi's desk.

I reluctantly walked over to Yamato and smiled.

"We only have three." I said, setting down TenTen and handing him his bento.

"I don't want you guys to not eat, I'm fine really." Yamato urged.

"No it's fine really, me and Iruka can share." Kakashi comprised, handing Yamato his own bento.

Yamato and the rest of us sat on the ground in front of Kakashi's desk and started eating.

"You really are an amazing cook Lord Sixth." Yamato complimented.

"Actually Iruka made it." Kakashi smiled, "And please, just call me Kakashi."

"I didn't know you could cook Iruka-sensei." Yamato said.

"I didn't know you knew that Kakashi could cook." I joked.

"Well, he cooked most of our meals when we were on missions." Yamato explained.

I looked over at Kakashi and he just awkwardly nodded his head.

Me, TenTen, and Yamato talked right outside Kakashi's office, as to not bother him, and so Yamato could keep watch over the Hokage.


"Iruka-sensei!" I heard someone shout, as my conversation with Yamato was coming to an end.

"Hm?" I asked, turning around to see Naruto with the rest of Team 7 behind him.

"Naruto!" I said, "It's nice to see you."

"You too sensei." Naruto replied.

"Here's TenTen." I said, picking him up.

"What are you doing at Lady Tsuande's office?" Naruto asked.

"Actually..." I said, opening the door to the room.

"Kaka-sensei?!" Team 7 asked, startling Kakashi a little.

"Oh, hey guys." He said, waving.

"You're the new Hokage?!" Sasuke asked, walking into the room, along with the rest of the team.

"Yeah. You guys were on a mission yesterday so you couldn't come to the ceremony." Kakashi explained.

"If you can become Hokage then I'm seriously worried if Naruto actually has a chance." Sasuke mumbled.

Kakashi laughed, "Alright you brats, take the kid and leave." He was still chuckling.

Team 7 did as instructed and left.

I walked over to Kakashi to calm his laughter.

"Calm down, don't you have to finish your papers?" I asked, glancing over a small stack of requests.

"Yeah ok." Kakashi agreed, getting back to work.

"I'll see you tonight hopefully, I have to get to work too." I smiled.

Kakashi waved me goodbye and I left.

Not having to deal with TenTen and my students was gonna be a lot easier.

I walked into my classroom, no one was there yet because it was still early and I had some papers to grade.

"As always, Konohomaru got the lowest grade." I said, stacking my papers and putting them in my filing cabinet under my desk.

"Naruto needs to stop pulling him out of class." I grunted, standing up from my desk to walk around.

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