24 Breaking-Point (1435)

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-Kakashi's point of view-

I took a deep breath and sighed when I entered my office. I tried to avoid eye contact with Tenzou but he was persistent.

"Kakashi-senpai." He said, "You look nice today."

"Thanks." I said hesitantly, still not making eye contact and sitting in my desk chair.

"Are you ok?" Tenzou asked.

It seemed like Tenzou was acting like the other day never happened, and I was fine with that.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said with a smile.

Tenzou smiled back and I started my paperwork.


I had finally finished the requests for the village hidden in the mist, ranking the missions and all that, and I was pretty tired, even though it was barely noon.

"I'll be right back." I said to Tenzou as I stood up from my desk and walked out of my office.

I rubbed my uncovered eye and cracked my back, exiting my office.


As I entered my office again, I was pushed into a wall by Tenzou.
My mind immediately went to the worst possible situation.
"W-What are you doing?" I asked shakily.

"You're so cute when you look like that." Tenzou complimented, moving into me, pinning me on the wall.

My heart was racing, "He's gonna rape me, isn't he?!" I thought, darting my eye around my office.

Tenzou, pulled my hair with one of his hands, and pulled my mask down with the other.

"Please Tenzou, I don't want this!" I pleaded with my friend, uncomfortable with the pain I felt from my hair being pulled. I never found pain pleasurable.

"Shut up, I know you do." Tenzou seemed irritated by me not wanting to make love to him.
He roughly kissed me, bruising my lips.
He then pulled my mask down further, to expose my neck and disconnected from my lips to harass it.

Tenzou bit me violently, making me yelp in pain.
I could feel blood trickle from the wound.

"Iruka please help me..." I whispered, starting to cry a little.

Tenzou seemed upset with my plead, "You're supposed to love me, stop saying his name. He can't help you anyways. You're all mine."

His words scared me. Was it true? Was it true that Iruka couldn't help me? Was I going to be violated in such a vulnerable state?

As these questions flew through my mind, Tenzou went back to kissing me roughly, having left multiple bloody bite marks on my neck.

I began to struggle under Tenzou, not wanting him to satisfy himself with me, I only wanted to do that with Iruka.

I head butted Tenzou, it not fazing him very much with the helmet he wore.
I tried to kick him as well, but he pressed me into the wall harder, keeping my legs stationary.

All of my attempts being futile, and not warranting any reaction from Tenzou, I began to get discouraged.
"Should I just submit?" I thought to myself, growing limp under my assailant.

Tenzou could feel my submission, and he got excited. He smiled against my still lips, pressing his erection into my leg.
And with this action, my anger grew in an instant.

I wiggled my arm from my side and punched Tenzou across the face.

With this attack, Tenzou stumbled backwards, releasing me from the wall.
I ran out of my office, and to the bathroom down the hall.

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