10 Agreement (827)

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I looked up from the ground, "I would like that." I said.

Kakashi looked away from me, I could only assume he was blushing.

"R-really?" He asked, struggling to get the words out, not like he was about to cry, but as if he was embarrassed.

"Yeah, let's move in together. It has been two months." I said, smiling and blushing.

Before I knew it, we had reached Kakashi's apartment.

"Let's iron out the details inside?" Kakashi asked, opening the front door, smiling, leading me inside.

I sat down on the couch, Kakashi walked TenTen into his room, and laid him on his bed.
He walked back into the living room and sat next to me.

"Are we really gonna do this?" He asked, pulling his mask down, below his chin.

"Yeah, I think I'd be a nice step forward." I answered, cupping Kakashi's face in my hands.

Kakashi put a hand on the back of my head, pulling himself closer to me.

I smiled, thinking, "I can't believe we're doing this. It has been two months, I think that's plenty of time."

When I finished my thought, I went in for a kiss, moving my hands to Kakashi's shoulders.

Kakashi obliged, weaving his hand into my hair, tugging on it lightly. Then pressing his lips to mine.

I smiled against our kiss slightly, moving my hands to the back of Kakashi's neck, pulling him in tighter.

Kakashi sighed into the kiss, giving me an opportunity to slip my tongue into his mouth, taking the lead.

Kakashi was surprised, but went along with my action, opening his mouth more, for me to explore further.

I paused our movements, to take a breath, not parting our lips.
Kakashi did the same.

When I started moving our lips together again, Kakashi followed suit, not entirely catching his breath yet, but he didn't want to soil the moment.

I pushed Kakashi down on his elbows, placing my hands on either side of him, trapping him under me.

I could feel Kakashi gasping for breath in our kiss.
I parted from him, smiling.

Kakashi was blushing and looked over to the side to catch his breath. He hovered his hand over his face to shield it from my view.

"Are you nervous?" I teased, grinning.

Kakashi didn't say anything, just blushed harder.

I hovered over him, waiting for him to catch his breath. I got a little impatient, and put one of my hands on the back of Kakashi's head, pulling his fabric mask down further, and started nibbling the side of his neck.

I heard Kakashi let out a gasp of a moan.

I moved up Kakashi's neck, licking and kissing it.

Kakashi started to moan louder, placing his hands on my shoulders, still looking away from me.

I licked from the base of his neck, around his collarbone, to the bottom of his chin, nibbling on it a little.

I could tell Kakashi was enjoying this.

I wanted to see his whole face, and all of its red flushness.

"May I?" I asked, placing my hand on Kakashi's headband.

He lightly nodded his head, so I pulled the headband off. He had his scarred eye closed, but he smiled, still blushing madly. I sighed into his neck, before biting it, harder than I had been. Kakashi let out a stifled moan, and put his hands on the back of my head. I grinned, biting him a little harder, leaving a bruise and a bite mark. Kakashi opened his mouth but no sound came out.

"I-Iruka!" He managed to choke out, pulling my shirt into a tight fist.

"Yes?" I asked, keeping my face in the crook of Kakashi's neck.

"That hurt." Kakashi said, as a small tear trickled down his check, he was still blushing though.

"What about this?" I asked, biting on his collarbone, to the point where I probably could've drawn blood.

"Iruka!" Kakashi yelled.

"Was that too hard?" I teased, looked Kakashi into eyes.

"Iruka..." Kakashi whimpered, with saliva dripping out of the corner of his mouth.

I then noticed the taste of blood in my mouth.

I lifted my self above Kakashi, to see his eyes watering, and to see my last bite mark bleeding, dripping blood.

"Did that feel good?" I asked, a little surprised that I drew blood from biting him.

Kakashi didn't say anything.
He reached his hands to the back of my head and pulled me down into a demanding kiss.

I could taste the blood I drew from Kakashi, swirling in our mouths.

Kakashi sighed in relief, soothed by my tongue.

"Better?" I asked, grinning. Pulling away from Kakashi with a thin string of saliva.

"Thank you..." Kakashi said, pressing my head into his chest.

"For what?" I asked, looking up at him.

"For being here...I love you." Kakashi replied.

I smiled, sighing into Kakashi's chest, "I love you too." I eventually fell asleep, along with Kakashi.

Iruka x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now