18 Just Another Day (1205)

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Kakashi and I were walking with TenTen to the academy.

Kakashi was behind on some reports from their last mission, so he had to catch up on those, which is why he was coming with me.

"Can I go with you this time Hatake?" TenTen asked, "All Umino let's me do is sit outside." He complained.

"Would you rather watch me write papers all day." Kakashi asked, tilting his head.

"No!" TenTen yelled.

Kakashi chuckled and said, "Exactly, I'm sure Iruka has something fun for you today. Maybe he'll even let you through shurikens at him." He joked.

"Really?!" TenTen asked, taking Kakashi's joke seriously.

"No, probably not." I barged in, scooping TenTen off the ground and into my arms.

Kakashi smiled, under his mask, and we continued walking.


We had made it to the academy, me and Kakashi went our separate ways, he went to the main office and I went to my classroom.

When I walked inside my classroom the room went silent.

"Hello everybody." I said, setting TenTen on my desk again.

"Good morning Iruka-sensei." They moaned.

I chuckled and gave instructions on what we we're going to do today.

"You'll be practicing your kunai accuracy on me." I said, referring to the joke Kakashi made on our way here.

TenTen lit up, "Do I get to throw one?!" He asked.

"Maybe." I said.

I lead my class outside and I gave out kunai's.

I told them how to hold it and demonstrated how to throw one, by flinging it into a nearby tree.

My students seemed excited about this exercise.

I stood in a clearing, and my students were hiding in the bushes and underbrush around me.

I wasn't going to try too hard to dodge them, and I was going to act like I was struggling to do so, just to think that they are almost getting me.

I quickly glanced to my left and ducked to dodge a kunai.

I slide to the right to dodge another.

After about twelve kunai's they weren't throwing them anymore. I was beginning to think that they had gotten bored and were slacking.

I was about to talk when a heard kunai's come flying at me from all directions.

I was surprised, but impressed.

I ducked to the floor, flattening on my stomach, and pulled out my own shuriken.

The ones I couldn't dodge, I deflected with my shuriken's.

One did manage to graze my leg though.

I was a little winded, but gestured for my students to come out of hiding.

"Good work. That was really clever." I congratulated, dusting myself off, "Class is dismissed." I added.


I was walking to the main office, to drop of today's reports, and get a bandaid for my leg.

I entered the office area, where everyone's desks were, including mine and Kakashi's.

I noticed that Kakashi wasn't at his desk, I wanted to see him too.

Everyone was gone, no one was here except me.

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