14 Mission (920)

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-Kakashi's point of view-

"Naruto! Sasuke! Stop it!" I yelled, pushing their faces apart.

"I've already gotten injured taking one of your chidori's Sasuke. I don't want it to happen again." I said, crossing my arms, and looking disappointed.

"Sorry Sensei." The boys said in unison.

"Alright, what's our mission today?" I asked my team.

"An assassination." Sakura replied.

"What time are we scheduled to return?" I asked, walking over to Sakura and leaning over her shoulder.

"Later today, around midnight." She replied, reading off a scroll with the mission details.

"Alright Team 7, fulfill the request of this mission, but if the mission goes south, focus on your friends, not completing the request." I said, smiling under my mask, and giving a thumbs up.

"Yes sensei!" They all shouted in salute.


"I wonder what Iruka is doing?" I thought to myself, jumping through trees, and trying to keep Sasuke and Naruto from fighting.

We had arrived at our destination and we started to sneak around, not wanting to be noticed by the enemy.

"Naruto." I whispered sternly, gesturing him to move our plan into commission.

Naruto crawled in front of me and Sakura, and jumped out of his hiding place, straddling an enemy on watch.

Sasuke knocked out the watcher while Naruto held him down, they then looked around for further  enemies, finding no one.

"Good job you two." I said patting them on the head, and then preparing a kunai.

"Is there any information on our target Sakura?" Sasuke asked.

"Well, he was rumored to participate in human trafficking, and he has usage of a prohibited jutsu.

I over heard them, "Ok. Sasuke, when we get to the target, distract the surrounding enemies. Naruto,  do the same. Sakura, seal the exit behind me when I enter, so the target doesn't escape." I directed, lacing my kunai with poison.

"Why can't we do it sensei?" They wined.

"He's using a prohibited jutsu, meaning it's something you guys probably haven't seen. I've dealt with almost every jutsu out there, so it's only smart that I should execute the target." I said proudly.

My team grunted, but followed my instructions.

-Iruka's point of view-

TenTen and I were walking back home from the academy.
"Did you have fun today?" I asked TenTen.

"Yeah, though I wish I could've done something today." He grunted.

I chuckled, "Maybe tomorrow." I said.

"Is Hatake gonna be home?" TenTen asked.

"No, I don't think he'll be home until later tonight, when you're asleep." I said, feeling a little disappointed myself.

"What is he doing?" TenTen asked.

"He's on a mission with his team." I said simply, not getting into detail.

"Is it a cool one?" He asked, exited for the answer.

"I guess, but let's just hope he doesn't come home with another injury." I joked, but I was actually concerned.

"Does he get hurt a lot?" TenTen asked, softening his tone.

"Yeah, he's pretty accident prone." I said with a chuckle.
"We're here." I said to TenTen, opening the door to our home.

I walked inside and sat him on the couch.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Soba!" TenTen yelled.

"Alright." I said.
"I'll make extra and leave it out for Kakashi." I concluded, finishing my thought in my head.

I started preparing the ingredients necessary for our dinner when I heard knocking.

I stopped and went to answer the door.

When I opened the door I saw Kakashi standing in front of me.

"Oh, Kakashi. I thought you weren't gonna be home until later." I said, letting him inside.

He flopped on the couch, bouncing TenTen a little.

I then noticed the gauze taped to his neck.

"Were you injured?" I asked, walking up to him, not sitting down.

"A little, but I'm fine." Kakashi answered, pulling his mask down to cover his injury unintentionally.

"What happened?" I asked, now sitting.

"I got hit with my own kunai. The only bad thing about that was that it was laced with poison." Kakashi admitted, chuckling a little.

"Are you ok?" I asked, pulling his mask down even further, exposing the patch of gauze on his neck.

"Yeah. The poison wasn't anything too intense, just paralyzation." He said.

"What did it do to you?" I asked, peeling back the gauze, to expose a fairly deep gash in Kakashi's neck.

"Just made me numb, and made my head flop around, nothing too serious." He said.

I placed the gauze back and laughed.

"I bet Naruto was laughing at you." I chuckled.

"He was." Kakashi said embarrassed.

"Are you ok?" TenTen asked, throwing himself into Kakashi's lap.

"Yeah, I'm fine Tenza, no need to worry." He assured.


TenTen had fallen asleep in Kakashi's lap, and Kakashi was laying on my shoulder, just like last night.

"How'd the mission go? Besides the head flopping thing." I chuckled, patting Kakashi's head.

"It was successful. Our target was a user of a prohibited jutsu." Kakashi responded sleepily, nestling his body into my side.

"Oh, do you know what it was?" I asked.

"Not really, it was pretty old. I had no knowledge of it." Kakashi said.

"Were you injured anywhere else?" I asked, sliding my hand over Kakashi's back.

"No. Just scrapes and bruises from a fist fight." He replied.

"That's good." I said.

An awkward silence filled the room.

I looked down at Kakashi, who looked asleep, and kissed the top of his head.

"Goodnight." I said, falling asleep myself.

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