1 The Rescue (1479)

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Tsuande-Sama had had enough of the stubborn, defiant Hatake Kakashi.
He had gone on a mission by himself, even though she demanded he have back up.
He was an amazing ninja, but some things are better handled in teams.

Tsuande-Sama had gathered her best to go rescue Hatake Kakashi, but if someone could capture Kakashi-sensei, they wouldn't stand a chance.

Tsuande-Sama was beginning to loose hope when Iruka-sensei walked in her office and offered to rescue him.

"Are you sure Iruka? Kakashi could be immobile, caring him all the way back here from the Hidden Rock Village, could be a struggle. Not to mention that someone was able to catch Kakashi-sensei off guard." Tsuande-Sama questioned.

"I'll be careful, stealth is always the best option, instead of going in head on, assuming that's what Kakashi-sensei did." Iruka said.

"Are you sure?" Tsuande-Sama asked Iruka-sensei.

"Yeah, I see it as volunteer work, helping someone in need." Iruka joked.

"Alright, just make sure you get Kakashi-sensei and don't die." Tsuande-Sama joked back.


When Iruka was walking to the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village, he thought to himself, "I bet Kakashi will be so embarrassed when I'm the one that's gonna rescue him."

When he left the gate with a weeks worth of supplies and medical aid for Kakashi he started mumbling to himself.

"All jokes aside, someone has to be incredibly strong to capture a Copy Nin such as Kakashi, so what am I going to expect..." Iruka trailed off, leaping through the trees, getting quieter when he neared his destination, and shrinking his chakra down so he wouldn't be noticed.

He reached a clearing, where a fire was burned and a camp was set up, well, there was no bed, I guess Kakashi didn't plan on sleeping much.
He found a Hidden Leaf headband, that Iruka presumed was Kakashi's, he had never seen what was under his headband, he knew he had a Sharingan, but he didn't know why he covered it.
He tied the headband around his neck and went onward.

Iruka silently walked through the clearing and then the pungent smell of blood hit him. He got a little worried. He scrunched his noise a little and tried to ignore the smell, focusing on sensing Kakashi's chakra.

He had reached an old building, one that looked like it was going to collapse at any moment.
"I sense Kakashi's chakra, it's incredibly faint, and low, he must be unconscious, or close to death." The thought scared Iruka, finding a dead Kakashi, could be his worst fear.

Iruka snuck inside through a loose window frame and scoped out the area, looking for guards, traps, seals, or seemingly important rooms.

Iruka was still puzzled has to how some Rock Nation ninja's could capture Kakashi. He thought to himself, "Maybe he was sleeping? No he didn't bother setting up a proper camp, so he definitely wasn't sleeping. Slacking off? No, Kakashi isn't the type. He could've eaten something poisonous and gotten too weak to fight? Not that one either, Kakashi knows his mushrooms and plants. Or they could've ambushed him. There could've been too many, even for him."

Iruka found a door with three seals on it, he opened the door with an explosion seal, shattering the door. He hadn't seen anyone yet, so he suspected that they were gone for now.

When he walked in he smelt blood again, so he knew this is were, at least someone was. He saw nine cells, he slowly walked passed each one, the namely smell of blood getting stronger, until it was almost unbearable.

When he got to the end of the cells, he saw a small, but heavy pool of blood, under a seemingly unconscious Kakashi.

He opened the cell door, made of metal bars, it seemed they didn't even bother to lock it, I guess they didn't think he was a threat in this state, and they were right.

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