2 An Ambush (767)

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Kakashi started to get up again. Iruka helped him to his feet, but eventually got him on his back.

Iruka started jumping from tree to tree, and built up the courage to ask Kakashi some personal questions.

"Kakashi?" Iruka asked, briefly looking behind him, to make swift eye contact.

"Yes Sensei?" Kakashi asked back.

"Why do you cover your eye...?" Iruka asked, looking back at the trees in front of him.

"Uh..." Kakashi paused, looking down Iruka's shoulder, setting his chin on it.

"It drains my chakra when it's open, I don't know how to turn it off." Kakashi smiled under his mask.

"That's strange, even Sasuke, a child, knows how to turn his off." Iruka thought, then saying his thoughts out loud to Kakashi.
"Why? Sasuke knows how to control his, why not you?" He asked.

"Heh, I guess I'm just a baby then." Kakashi laughed.

"That's not what I meant!" Iruka exclaimed, feeling guilty.

"I know." Kakashi sighed, laying on Iruka's shoulder now, and closing his eyes.

"Well, what about the mask?" Iruka asked hesitantly.

Kakashi opened his eye again, "What? Do you not like it?" Kakashi asked teasingly.

"Stop twisting my words Kakashi!" Iruka demanded.

Kakashi laughed, saying, "I just have bad allergies."

Iruka didn't believe him, but didn't want to push it much further.

"The scar?" He asked.

"Why are you so interested in my face? Do you like it?~" Kakashi teased.

Iruka blushed a little and shouted, "What no! You have a face that no one can ever even see!"

Kakashi closed his eye again, relaxing his body on Iruka's, "That's the point..." he said, before drifted off to sleep.


-Iruka's point of view-

We were almost at the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village, when I sensed somebody's chakra, that was too strong, at the moment, to be Kakashi's.

I felt Kakashi wake up, and pat me on the head, "Do you feel that?" He asked.

I was surprised that he was woken up from a deep sleep, from just a mediocre chakra sense.

I stopped in the trees and let Kakashi slip off my back, onto a branch just below mine.

We stood silent and still, something that was hard for Kakashi to do, constantly having to regain his balance, from his injuries, shaking the tree.

I tried to steady him, but I couldn't really blame him, having a freshly stitched gaping wound in your abdomen, will do that to a person.

I then heard him fall, I looked down and he was desperately trying to fight against a Hidden Rock ninja, ultimately loosing, relatively quickly.

I jumped down to retrieve Kakashi and I was startled by a kuni, that I just managed to dodge.

"What do you want with that Copy Cat Nin?" I shouted, not saying his name, in case I would've reveled information.

"He's a high ranking ninja with substantial skill, on his way to becoming hokage, we believe he has some important information." The ninja answered, laughing evilly.

"So you relied on torture?!" I asked, growing increasingly angrier.
I was still dodging kuni's and trying to figure out where they were coming from, so I hadn't realized that Kakashi was pleading with his capturer about something.

I quickly sensed 4 peoples chacra in the woods around us, I threw 4 kuni's towards them, I heard grunts and thuds, so I assumed I hit them.
I looked back at Kakashi, he was almost crying, and he had his eyes squeezed shut.

"What? I bet you have a beautiful face." The man keeping Kakashi hostage, teased, pinching the edge of his mask, ready to pull it down.

I stood there, unable to move, until I heard Kakashi yell my name.

My body sprung into a sprint before I even knew what was happening.

The man stepped back, stretching Kakashi's mask, pulling it down to his chin.

I ran up to the man, tackling him to the ground, then cutting him with my poisoned kuni.

When he was down, I looked over to Kakashi, he had his hand over his mouth, to cover what his mask couldn't.

"Kakashi?" I asked, softly and quietly, slowly walking up to him.

He chocked his words out, "Can you turn around please?"

I obligated, turning around, respecting Kakashi's privacy.

"Are you done?" I asked, after a few seconds of waiting.

"Yeah, sorry." Kakashi apologized.

"No need to be. Hop on." I offered.

Kakashi excepted my offer, positioning himself on my back, slouching his arms over my shoulders.

"We better hurry back, before they send more." I said, hopping back into the trees.

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