30 Happyily Ever After (1668)

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~Time Skip~

Kakashi and Iruka are living their best life. Tenza was now eight years old, and enrolled in the Academy. The two were happily together and living with Tenza in the Hokage residence. They didn't have any worries now. For the moment, everyone was at peace, and they could live how they wanted with who they wanted.
Kakashi and Iruka were also engaged. Their wedding was today actually and they were nervous, both of them.
Tenza was with Asuma, so the two of them could get ready for their wedding. Because Kakashi was the Hokage, almost everyone in the village was attending the ceremony. Kakashi wasn't happy about that, but Iruka didn't mind, as long as their close friends were there.

"Are you ok, Rival?" Guy asked, peaking on the Hokage to check on him. He figured he'd be freaking out about this. And he was.

"Not really." Kakashi confessed, adjusting the robe he was wearing.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, Iruka is just as stressed." Guy fully stepped into the room.

"You don't think he's regretting it do you?" Kakashi asked.

"Thats not what I meant." Guy sighed defeated. "Just take your time Kakashi. The ceremony isn't for another hour. Wrap your head around this."

"I'm trying." Kakashi sighed, "Should I wear my mask?"

"Look Kakashi, you're not even in your suit yet." Guy clapped his hand down on his shoulder. "Focus on one thing at a time."

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Kurenai and Tsunade will be here soon for your hair and clothes and things." Guy warned.


Guy left the room, and Kakashi was alone with his thoughts again. Kurenai and Tsuande would be here soon, so he should be at least a little ready.
His mind wandered into his memories.

Their proposal.

It was completely out of the blue. They didn't go out to a romantic dinner, or take a walk through a park. They just decided to go get groceries at around noon one day. As they were walking back home, they took a short cut, which took them through a small patch of grass with a few flowers scattered through it.

"This is as good of a time as any." Iruka said to himself. He set his bags down in the grass. Kakashi was confused, as to why he wasn't standing back up.
Of course the first thing that went through his mind was a proposal, but he didn't want to rush to conclusions. He didn't want to get his hopes up.

Iruka reached into his pocket and pulled out a small red box. He repositioned his legs to be kneeling in the grass.
"Kakashi." He smiled, "It's been a stressful few years, and I can't promise that it won't still be. But would you like to be with me for just a little while longer?" He sighed, "Kakashi, will you marry-"

Iruka couldn't even finish his sentence. Kakashi bursted out in laughter.

"W-What?" Iruka blushed uncontrollably. The shame and embarrassment was sinking in. Why was he laughing.

Kakashi stilled his laugher. He also got down into the grass. He quickly pulled out another red box, identical to Iruka's.
"I'll marry you if you marry me." He said, still laughing a little.

Iruka soon dropped his head. He wiped tears from his eyes.
"It's even the same ring." He said in between suppressed laughter.

"You know, I imagined doing this later tonight, over a nice dinner maybe, but a grassy field will do." Kakashi joked, pulling his mask down.

Iruka lifted his head to be met with a small kiss. He smile when he came too.

A knock came at the door. Kakashi granted them entry when he finished his day dream.

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