22 Reconciliation (1119)

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-Iruka's point of view-

"Kakashi, wake up." I said, tapping his forehead.

He groaned and opened both of his eyes.

"We have to pick TenTen up." I said softly, trying to ease him awake.

I pulled on his arm to pick him up off the ground.

He slumped into my shoulder, "What time is it?" He asked sleepily.

"Nine-o-clock." I said, having checked the time thirty seconds ago.

I tried pressing my cheek against Kakashi's but I was met with a rough gauze bandage.
I sighed and hugged him instead.

"Let's go." I said.

Kakashi stepped back and rubbed his eyes, ridding them of sleep.
"Come on then." He teased, walking out of the room ahead of me.
I smiled and walked after him.

We were walking down the hallway to Kakashi's office, where I assumed Yamato still was.

Kakashi glanced towards his office but kept walking.

"Did you leave anything in there?" I asked.

"No." He said.

We continued walking until we got outside, we then stopped and sat outside for a bit.

"I'm so tired." Kakashi groaned.

"That's what you get for waking up so early." I said, rubbing my hand over the cut on Kakashi's face.

He melted into my hand and closed his eyes.

"He's so cute." I thought with a smile.

I pulled Kakashi's face close to mine and kissed him on the cheek, he smiled and put his arm around my waist.

We sat outside for another five minutes or so, then we started walking again.

"Where did Naruto take Tenza?" Kakashi asked.

"To his house. The rest of Team 7 should've also been there." I explained.
Naruto had visited me during my lunch break, and offered to take TenTen off my hands for the day.

Kakashi nodded.

My mind wondered as we walked.

"I can't believe Yamato would do something like that. To someone he's known for years at that." I thought, looking at the ground, as I walked, in anger.

I tried to not let it look like I was upset but I clenched Kakashi's hand tighter, which was a dead give away.

"It's ok Iruka." Kakashi smiled, "I'm glad that you're worried about me so much." He said.

I lazily chuckled and continued my angry rambling in my head.

"I bet Kakashi isn't even telling me everything." I thought, "Yamato probably raped him or something!"


"Naruto?" Kakashi asked as he knocked on the door of his apartment.

Sasuke answered the door and TenTen ran to us, from behind him.

I picked TenTen up and thanked them for watching him.
We left soon after that.

We were maybe a little more than half way home when I couldn't stand it anymore.

"I want to know what Yamato did to you." I said sternly, looking at the ground as we walked.

TenTen didn't seem too interested in our conversation, but Kakashi looked up at me.

"I told you what happened Iruka." He said blatantly, obviously not wanting to have this conversation.

"Did he touch you? Did he kiss you?" I asked, anger and panic setting into my voice.

Kakashi sighed, "No he didn't. All he did was flirt with me." He said calmly.

"But I feel like you're not telling me everything." I said, quickly glancing up from the ground.

"There's nothing else to tell Iruka. What I said is the complete truth." Kakashi assured.

"Ok..." I said, grabbing onto his hand and letting it swing between us.


I opened the door to our apartment and sat TenTen down on the couch.

I saw Kakashi walk into our bedroom and I followed suit.

"Are you going to bed?" I asked, teasing him a little.

"In a little bit yeah, but I'm just changing." He smiled, peeling his vest and undershirt off.

I had gotten used to seeing Kakashi naked, so it wasn't very flustering anymore.

I smiled and sat on the bed, silently watching Kakashi change into pajamas.

I was glancing over his body when I saw scratches on his left shoulder.

I squinted my eyes to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was.
When I confirmed my suspicions I over boiled with anger.

"What the hell is that?!" I asked, jumping from the bed to Kakashi's side, and pointing at his injury.

"Oh, I didn't think he would've left a mark. He just gripped my shoulder too hard, it's fine." Kakashi said calmly.

I wave of jealousy washed over me, as I assumed Yamato had done that while raping Kakashi.

"I'm the only one that can do things like that to Kakashi, only me..." I thought as I was practically shaking with anger.

I ran over to Kakashi and grabbed him by the shoulders, pushing him onto the bed.

I bit down on Kakashi's necks, immediately making him grunt in mild pain.

"Iruka what are you doing?" He asked.

I didn't respond, but instead I roughly kissed him to silence him.

Kakashi gasped for air when I let go, and coughed a little.
I licked down Kakashi's neck and almost to his chest.

"Wait Iruka please." Kakashi pleaded, his face slightly flushed.

I ignored his plead and went to suck on one of his nipples.
I scrapped my teeth against his areola while I swirled my tongue around the right nub.

Kakashi moaned and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Please Iruka, I don't want to do this right now." Kakashi pleaded.

I looked up at him, expecting to see him enjoying this treatment. He was, but he was reluctant, and kind of angry.

Guilt washed over me, but I didn't stop.

I slid up to Kakashi's face, looking at him for a moment.

"Please Iruka. Not right now." Kakashi said, exhaustion and pure annoyance in his eyes.

The whole point I was doing this was because I wanted Kakashi to know that I could do better than what Yamato did. But maybe he was telling the truth, and Yamato didn't go as far as I thought he did.

I kissed Kakashi lightly and smiled.

"Are you sure Yamato didn't do anything to you?" I asked softly.

"Yes I'm sure." Kakashi replied.

"I'm sorry..." I said, almost in a whisper, refusing to make eye contact with Kakashi.

Kakashi put his hands on the back of my head and pressed my face into his chest.

"It's ok." He smiled.

I appreciated the reassurance but I could hear his harsh breathing. He was so close to passing out. Being exhausted and then exerted like he had been, it was no surprise that he was about to pass out.
Kakashi fell asleep shortly after TenTen came into our bed and I followed about forty five minutes later.

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