26 Late Night (657)

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Around ten or eleven pm, I woke up to Kakashi laying in my lap, very much awake, mesmerized by the tv.

I slowly moved my hand up his neck to fold over his hair. He seemed surprised to see me awake.

"Iruka?" He asked, flipping over onto his back, but keeping his head in my lap.

"What time is it?" I asked, griping the underside of Kakashi's jaw.

"Midnight maybe." He replied.

He seemed completely awake, like he had been for at least an hour.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked sleepily, slurring my words a little bit, but I think I was still coherent enough to understand.

"A while. Tenza got hungry so I got up and made him some food, and then I laid back down with you." Kakashi said with a smile.

I smiled back and was about to doze off again when Kakashi said, "You've been sleeping for almost nine hours. How are you still tired."

I looked down at him smirking in my lap.

"I bet you haven't been sleeping that long." I challenged, covering his eyes with my hand.

His smirk faded to an annoyed frown. He uncovered his eyes and turned away from me. I smiled and weaved my hand into his hair, like he liked.
He seemed like he wasn't that upset, and turned back to face me.
He reached his hands up and pulled my head down into a quick kiss.
I smiled again as he let go, and his hands fell to his side.

"What'd you make for dinner?" I asked, just trying to create small talk.

"Just some rice, Tenza said he didn't want anything else." Kakashi replied.

I glanced around our apartment, it was pitch black, aside from the dim lighting radiating from the tv.

"Have you been sleeping well lately?" I asked, looking back down at Kakashi, who's mask was off, and wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Yeah, I guess. Why?" He replied, tilting his head a little.

"Just with all the late nights, and Hokage duties, and Yamato, and your nightmares. I figured you'd be a little stressed." I said, pinning Kakashi's head in between my hands.

"I am, but that doesn't interfere with my sleep schedule." Kakashi said, "When I get home I sleep, when I wake up I go to work. Pretty straight forward to me."

"But you need to have some fun every now and then." I pouted.

"I've only been Hokage for about a week, I'm sure it's only gonna get worse." Kakashi sighed, turning his body to the side, his face eventually following.

"Way to be an optimist." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Sorry Iruka, but that's just the truth. That's why I didn't want to be the next Hokage. I didn't want the responsibility." Kakashi sighed.

"I understand that, but you need to make time for yourself too." I argued, having a sterner tone than I intended.

Kakashi sat up from my lap and stared at me.

"I don't have that time! I spend it all with you!" Kakashi snapped back, yelling a bit.

I was taken aback by Kakashi's outburst.

"Kakashi please calm down. You're acting ridiculous." I said in a demanding tone, looking at him with an irritated look on my face.

My request only seemed to make him more upset,  because he stood up from the couch, grabbed a shirt from the floor; put it on; pulled his scarf off of the coat hook near the door, and left.

It was freezing out there at this time of year, so for him to got out there in t-shirt and shorts was kind of concerning. But I was mad at him, I didn't have time to be worried.

I slouched onto the couch and tried to steer my mind away from Kakashi's well being.

I turned to the tv and let him slip from my mind, at least for a moment.

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