21 Hokage Duties (1642)

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-Kakashi's point of view-

Just as I was about to start my last report from yesterday, I could feel my eyes start to become heavy.

"Lord Sixth?" Tenzou asked concerned.

I perked my head up from my paper, "Yeah?" I asked, trying to act like I was listening.

"Are you ok?" He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." I said, looking back down at my report.
I closed my Sharingan as well, I hadn't realized it was open.

"Do you need water, or something?" Tenzou asked, putting his hand on my check, caressing the edge of my mask.

I sighed, peeling his hand from my face, "I'm fine." I said.

Tenzou smiled and glanced out of the window.


I think I fell asleep for a moment while I was doing today's papers.
But when I woke up I heard Tenzou yell for me to wake up.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a man reaching for me.

In one swift motion I stood up, grabbed his wrist, and flipped him over my shoulder.

"The hell?!" I asked.

I looked around my office to see Tenzou slashing some ninjas, and more coming in through the the window.

Four or five ninjas jumped at me.

I opened my Sharingan and quickly threw a kunai that I had on my desk.

I engaged in hand to hand combats with the other three.

My hat was knocked off, but other than that I wasn't really injured.

"Tenzou?" I asked, after finishing the others off.

"Yes Lord Sixth?" He replied out of breath.

"You got blood on the floor." I smiled.

Tenzou laughed. But just then I heard one of the intruders stand up.

I turned quickly, as I had my back to him, and tried to stop the blades movement towards me.

I was able to kick the man but not before he cut my face.

My mask was slightly ripped but it was mostly under my right eye.

I covered my eye with my hand and leaned against my desk for support.

"Kakashi-senpai! Are you ok?!" Tenzou ran over to me.

"I'm fine." I said, trying to peel my hand from my wound but failing.

"Two days as Hokage and you're already being targeted by rouges." Tenzou said, trying to coax me into getting treatment for my injury.

I chuckled a little and followed Tenzou to the infirmary.

"Lord Sixth, what brings you here-" The nurse turned around but stopped in her tracks. "You've got to be kidding me." She seemed annoyed, rightfully so, I am very prone to injury.

"Sorry." I chuckled, gradually removing my hand.

"Iruka will want to know about this." She said, sitting me down to treat my wound.

"I'll tell him when I get done with my assignments. He's probably busy anyway." I said.

The nurse disinfected my injury and put a gauze on it.

"How did you even get this?" The nurse asked.

"Rouges ambushed us." Tenzou answered, escorting me back to my office.

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