6 Healing (862)

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-Iruka's point of view-

It was 6 weeks later, Kakashi was going to his check ups, and I was healing him to the best of my ability.
He was almost healed by now, maybe a little wobbly every now and then, but he's basically back to normal.

I'm also happy to say that Kakashi has gotten incredibly comfortable with me, taking off his mask whenever he's certain we're alone.

I couldn't believe how beautiful he was, to think he had to hide his face was an insult, he was beautiful.

I've also come to find out that Kakashi loves popsicles.

He always has some in his house somewhere, they're the only thing I see him eat, aside from miso and Sake.

Not gonna lie, seeing him lick and deep throat a popsicle kind of turns me one a little. I know, cliché, but you'd be surprised how oblivious he is to what he's doing.

He acts like a child around me, but would be so serious around everyone else, I felt special.


I walked into Kakashi's apartment, like I had done everyday.

He ran up to me and hugged my waist. I could tell he was smiling, even with his mask on.

I patted his head and held up a plastic bag, that contained more of Kakashi's favorite treat.

Kakashi let go of my waist, and thanked me for the dessert.

"Do you wanna watch a movie with me?" I asked, smiling again.

Kakashi shook his head yes, bringing the plastic bag in his hand, to the kitchen.

I sat down in the living room, turning on the tv, expecting Kakashi to pick the movie.

He walked in the living room, with a popsicle in his mouth.

I chuckled, patting the seat next to me, gesturing for him to sit down.

He sat down, but soon wiggled himself under me, making me sit in his lap.

The juice from Kakashi's popsicle smeared on my face, so I grabbed it from his mouth. He whimpered and tried to lean his face back into the popsicle.

I chuckled again, "Come on, you need to share~" I teased, holding the popsicle a little further from Kakashi.

He whimpered a little loader, grabbed my waist as leverage, to pull himself up.

I eventually gave in, pulling the popsicle back into Kakashi's mouth.
He smiled and looked back at the tv.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked, holding the remote in my hand.

"You can pick." He said, laying his chin on my shoulder, popping his frozen treat out of his mouth.

I turned the tv to a random movie that just happened to be on.


It was about an hour later, Kakashi had fallen asleep under me, and was sleeping peacefully for the most part.

Until he started shifting and gasping for breath.
I was startled by his movements.

I turned my head around and I cupped his face in one of my hands, calming him down slightly, but it virtually did nothing.

He sounded like he was struggling to breath. He grabbed my waist tighter, but he was still asleep, it was as if he was trying to subside pain, like when you bite down on a belt.

A couple seconds later, Kakashi's eyes popped open.
He was breathing heavily, but the tight hold he had on me loosened.

"Kakashi?" I asked.

He sighed and gave me a pathetic smile, apologizing.

"There's nothing to apologize for. What happened?" I asked, turning around in Kakashi's lap, and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"It's nothing, sorry if I woke you up." Kakashi said, scratching his jawline.

"I wasn't sleeping." I said, getting a little annoyed at Kakashi avoiding my question.

"Really? Sorry." Kakashi apologized again.

"Stop apologizing!" I said, grabbing Kakashi's face in my hands, making him look at me.

He seemed a little shaken, but I think he knew what I meant.

"Look." He said, pulling up his shirt to expose a thick scar that went across his stomach, along with a cross covering the entirety of his chest, that was from a different event.

"What about it?" I asked, brushing my fingers over the scar.

Kakashi shivered and pulled his shirt back down, saying, "I keep having these nightmares."

"What are they about?" I asked, thinking it was kind of a stupid question.

"They're about...they're about..." Kakashi couldn't choke the words out.

"Hey, it's alright! You don't have to tell me." I said, grabbing Kakashi's head and pulling it into my chest.

He sighed into me and looked up, "They're about the incident a couple weeks ago." He said.

"When you were captured?" I asked, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, you know I got this scar from them right?" He asked, tensing up.

"Of course. Is your experience there what your nightmares are about?" I assumed I was right, but I wanted to hear Kakashi say it.

"Yeah I guess, among other things." He admitted, relaxing into my chest.

I smiled and continued to pet him, he seemed to be pleased with this arrangement.

I loved him, but I knew I would have to talk about this again.

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