16 Settleing Down (784)

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-Iruka's point of view-

Kakashi and I walked behind TenTen.

We decided to let TenTen wonder the village, to take his mind off of what happened this morning.

"Do you want to meet Team 7?" Kakashi asked.

"Who are they?" TenTen replied, also asking to be picked up, by putting his arms in the air.

"They're my team." Kakashi smiled, obliging with TenTen's request.

"Yeah!" TenTen yelled.

Kakashi didn't seem too bothered by TenTen screech.

"Alright. They had nothing to do today, since I didn't meet up with them. They'll probably be at Ichiraku. Are you hungry?" Kakashi asked me.

"Yeah, I haven't eaten anything all day." I said.

"Then it's decided." Kakashi replied.


We had made it to Ichiraku and as Kakashi expected, Team 7 was inside.

We sat next to them and they were pleasantly  surprised.

"Kaka-sensei!" Sakura said happily.

"Iruka sensei!" Naruto yelled, jumping at me.

Sasuke just smiled and continued to pick at his ramen.

"It's nice to see you all." I said, pushing Naruto back into his seat.

"Why are you guys here?" Sasuke asked, looking up from his ramen bowl.

"Hello!" TenTen yelled, startling me and the rest of Team 7.

"Calm down." Kakashi said to TenTen. "This is Tenza. He's a friend of mine." Kakashi introduced to Team 7.

"Where do you find this kid?" Sasuke asked.

"It's a long story." Kakashi chuckled.


Kakashi and I had ordered.

TenTen was eating from my bowl instead of Kakashi's because he had ordered something spicy.

Team 7 was staring intensely at Kakashi, waiting for him to take his mask off to eat.

"I wasn't hungry anyway." Kakashi chuckled nervously.

Team 7 sighed, disappointed.

Kakashi stood up and walked outside Ichiraku. "You can have it Naruto." He said.

I stood up after him, leaving TenTen in my seat.

I placed my hand on Kakashi's shoulder, once we were outside.

"I can make something for you when we get home." I offered with a soft smiled, "If you don't want to eat here, infront of everyone."

"Thanks." Kakashi smiled back.

He leaned into me, pulled his mask down swiftly, and kissed me for a couple seconds.

When he let go, he pulled his mask back up and walked back inside.

I blushed but then smiled.

I walked back into the ramen shop and sat down with everyone.


TenTen had fallen asleep and Kakashi and I were walking back home.

"Are you still hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah." Kakashi chuckled, "They were just staring so much." Kakashi shivered.

I chuckled, "What would you like when we get home?"

Kakashi smiled weakly but didn't say anything.

I sighed and grabbed his gloved hand, "I'll make you some soba."


When we made it to our house Kakashi laid TenTen in his room, and tucked him in. And I started preparing his meal.

When I was finished, Kakashi had changed out of his formal wear and was seated at the coffee table, with his mask off.

I set the bowl of soba down on the table and sat next to Kakashi.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Your welcome. Oh, and this." I said, handing him a popsicle.

Kakashi chuckled, "Thanks."  He said.

He leaned into my chest and held his soba bowl to his face.

"Do you want to watch something?" I asked.

"Yeah." Kakashi said.

I grabbed the remote from the couch and switched through the channels, waiting for Kakashi to tell me when to stop.

"Ooh, that one." He exclaimed.

I chuckled and set the remote down, Kakashi had stopped me on some sort of cooking show.

We sat in the living room for about an hour.

Kakashi had finished his soba, and was snuggling with me, a blanket wrapped around the two of us.

"Iruka?" He asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I love you." Kakashi said blankly.

"I love you too." I said back, smiling.

Kakashi stood up, and at first I thought I did something wrong but then Kakashi lended his hand to me.
I took it and helped myself up.

"Let's go to bed. I'm getting tired of sleeping on the couch." Kakashi smiled.

I didn't say anything, I just followed Kakashi into our bedroom.

I never really went in there. I had no reason to.

Kakashi plopped onto our bed. I laid next to him. Kakashi wiggled under the covers and I followed suit.

"Have you ever slept in my bed?" Kakashi asked.

"No. I've always slept on the couch." I chuckled.

"Well, there's a first time for everything." Kakashi joked sleepily, pressing into my side as he rolled over.

I smiled and placed my arm over him.

"Goodnight." I said, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight." Kakashi sighed.

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