11 Travel (902)

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-Kakashi's point of view-

I woke up to Tenza slapping my forehead.

"Hm?" I asked, slightly lifting my head to look at the boy.

"I'm hungry." He said.

"What time is it?" I asked, sitting up entirely, careful not to let Iruka slid off my chest.

"I don't know." Tenza said.

"Right." I said, rubbing my eyes, realizing that Tenza is six, and probably can't read.

"Go get dressed." I said, trying to let Iruka get in some more sleep.

"I don't have more clothes." He said.

"Why am I so slow this morning?" I asked myself rhetorically.

"Ok, go start a bath, I'll be in there to help you in a minute." I said, gesturing my hand to the bathroom.

Tenza ran in the direction of my bathroom.

I sighed and slid my mask back up, not really bothered that he saw my face, because he was a child.

I slid myself off the couch from under Iruka, surprisingly, he didn't wake up.

I walked to the bathroom, Tenza started the bath water like instructed.

"Get in, I'll clean your clothes while you're in there." I said, leaning against the door frame of the bathroom, gesturing to the bathtub.

Tenza did as instructed, semi-folding his clothes on the floor.

I picked them up and told Tenza what things he could use, "You can use the green bottle and the white bottle, nothing else."

Tenza nodded, and I walked out, leaving the door open, just in case.

I walked out on my balcony, where I did my laundry.

I got the supplies needed, ready, and started to scrub and rinse Tenza's clothes.

About ten minutes later, I hung them up to dry.

Walking back into the house I heard splashing coming from the bathroom.

"Tenza?" I quietly called out, trying not to wake up Iruka.

I walked into the bathroom, to see Tenza splashing water all over the floor, not cleaning himself at all.

"I guess it was stupid of me to assume a six year old would actually wash himself." I though, sitting next to the bathtub.

"That one smells minty." Tenza said, pointing to the green bottle I said he could use.

"Yeah, it's shampoo." I said, grabbing the bottle and squeezing some into my hand.

I placed my hands on Tenza's head, and started massaging his scalp, making suds.

I was carful not to get it in his eyes, and keep him still at the same time.

"Close your eyes." I demanded.

Tenza did so, and when he did, I rinsed his hair out.

Tenza opened his eyes, and looked back at me, smiling.

I smiled back, before pouring water on his head again.


I was drying off Tenza, when I heard rustling in the living room.

I assumed it was Iruka, so I continued to dry Tenza's hair.

"Your clothes are still drying, wear this." I said, walking over to my dresser and pulling out a grey shirt.

"It's too big." Tenza said, tugging it from my hand.

"That's the point." I said, taking the shirt back and pulling it over Tenza's head, and arms.

I picked Tenza up and walked outside my room, to see Iruka sitting up right on the couch.

"Morning, Iruka." I said, smiling under my mask.

-Iruka's point of view-

I woke up to laughter.

"Hm?" I asked, sitting up on the couch, I noticed that Kakashi wasn't with me anymore.
"Kakashi?" I asked, standing up from the furniture, stretching.

"Morning Iruka." I heard him say, holding TenTen in his arms; he looked freshly bathed.

"What time is it?" I asked, walking up to them, rubbing my eyes.

"About nine." Kakashi said.

I smiled, "Did you give him a bath?" I asked.

"Yeah, I washed his clothes too. They're still wet though, so I put him in one of my shirts." Kakashi said, smiling again.

I chuckled a little, "Do you want to go anywhere today?" I asked Kakashi.

"Sorry, Team 7 hasn't been on a mission in almost two months, because I've been out of commission. I was gonna take them on a A-rank today." Kakashi said, putting TenTen down.

"That's alright." I said.

"I'll help you move your stuff to my place when I get back, which will probably be a couple days." Kakashi promised.

"That's alright with me. Just don't get yourself killed." I said, picking up TenTen, as he walked past me.

"Heh, alright." Kakashi chuckled, walking into his room to change.

"Kakashi, will be gone for a couple of days, what do you want to do?" I asked TenTen.

"I want to go see the Hokage!" He yelled.

"Why do you like her so much?" I asked with a chuckle.

"She's super powerful, and she's pretty!" TenTen said, smiling wider.

I laughed, "Ok, let's go get breakfast." I said.


I was about to leave with TenTen for breakfast, when Kakashi walked out of his room, with his jonin uniform on, his mask and headband too.

"Are you leaving?" He asked, walking over to me.

"Yeah, me and TenTen we're gonna get breakfast." I answered, smiling.

"Ok, I'll be back on Saturday, then I'll help you move you stuff here." He reminded me, opening the door for TenTen and I.

"Ok." I smiled, walking in front of Kakashi.

We walked in opposite directions, Kakashi heading towards the Red House, and me, towards the town's market.

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