17 Breakfast (795)

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I woke up to Kakashi sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Kakashi?" I asked sleepily.

"Iruka?" He asked turning around.

I saw Kakashi with moist, tear streaked cheeks, and lightly puffed eyes.

I quickly moved from under the covers to Kakashi's side.

He wiped his eyes, "Sorry if I woke you up." He said.

"No, you didn't." I assured, "What happened?"

"Just a bad dream I guess." Kakashi chuckled.

"Oh." I said.

I knew Kakashi would just give me the old run around, but I was curious how bad this one seemed to be.
He actually got out of bed for this one, and was crying.

I stood up, out of bed, and pulled Kakashi with me.

"What are you doing?" He asked, smoothing his hair over with his hand.

"Just trying to cheer you up. And you have work today." I said, leading him into the he kitchen.

"I can make breakfast." Kakashi offered innocently.

I was surprised by his offer.

"You can cook?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. I lived alone most of my life, I kind of had to learn. Grow up fast, you know." He said, smiling, "And cooking helps me clear my head."

I smirked, "Alright. I'll wake up TenTen and then help you with breakfast." I said.

"Ok." Kakashi agreed.

I let go of Kakashi's hand and walked over to TenTen's room.

I opened the door and walked slowly to the side of his bed.

"TenTen, wake up. It's time for breakfast." I said, leaning over TenTen on his bed.

Once I said breakfast, TenTen opened his eyes, and clung onto me.
I chuckled and walked him into the kitchen.
Kakashi had everything out and ready to use, to make breakfast.

"What time is it?" He asked, oiling a pan.

"Around eight." I said, looking outside for reference.

"Do you want salmon or mackerel?" Kakashi asked.

"Salmon!" TenTen yelled, jumping a little bit.

"Alright." Kakashi agreed, putting a salmon on his cutting board.

"Go get dressed. Me and Kakashi will make breakfast." I said, gesturing to his room.

I watched TenTen run to his room, then I walked behind Kakashi and kissed him under his right eye, knowing that his skin was tender from crying.

He didn't seem too bothered by my intrusion and continued cooking.

"Do you need any help?" I asked.

"Can you make the rice?" He asked, as he slit the salmon's belly down the middle.

"Yeah." I said, getting the ingredients necessary for the dish.


I had prepared the rice and Kakashi was about done with the fish.

"I'll plate it." I offered.

Kakashi smiled and grabbed bowls from above the stove, and set them in front of me.

I plated our breakfast and set them on the table, in front of TenTen and Kakashi.

TenTen slapped his hands together and yelled, "Thank you for the meal!" And started eating.

I could tell he was gonna have the hiccups afterwards because of how fast he was eating.
Kakashi started to eat as well, though he was a little slower.
Kakashi and I talked for a while, and finished our food, TenTen had also ran to his room.

"I'll do the dishes." He said, grabbing the three bowls from the table.

Kakashi wasn't talking much since this morning.

"Maybe he was still upset?" I thought, pouting my face a little.

When Kakashi came back from the kitchen, I walked up to him.

"Hm?" He asked, tilting his head a little.

I pushed into him, pressing my lips against his.

It was a little awkward because of our height difference, but I managed to keep myself level with his face.

He seemed a little surprised, and backed into the door frame of the kitchen, to detach from me.
I followed him though, our lips still pressed together.
I laced my fingers through his hair and tugged on it a bit.
Kakashi hummed against my lips, but kept his hands at his side.
I could feel saliva drip from my mouth, so I knew that is was dripping down Kakashi's chin.

I smiled a little bit.

I slid my second hand up to the back of Kakashi's neck, pulling him closer into me. And then I wiggled my tongue into his mouth.
He then pinned his hands to my chest, giving him a little leverage to the situation he was in.
I slowly pulled away and stared at Kakashi for a reaction.
Kakashi was blushing and he looked like the room was spinning for him.

"What was that for?" He asked, wiping drool from his lip.

"You just seemed upset this morning." I said, loosening my grip on his hair.

"You're so cute." He mumbled, leaning into me.

I smiled and moved my hands to his waist.

Iruka x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now