12 Waiting (831)

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-Iruka's point of view-

It's been two days, Saturday is tomorrow; when Kakashi said he'd be back.

I hope he doesn't disappoint me, and TenTen.

I woke up on the couch, that's where I had been sleeping, it just doesn't feel right, to sleep in Kakashi bed without him here, and without my things here. It didn't feel like my home.

I yawned, and stood up, and started looked for TenTen.

He had a habit of roaming around Kakashi's house when nobody was awake.

"TenTen!" I called out, walking to Kakashi's bedroom.

I stopped in my tracks when I saw blood on the bed sheets, like some sat down on the bed covered in blood.

I turned around and walked around the house some more.

"TenTen!" I called out again, walking out to the balcony.

I stopped when I saw Kakashi rinsing his bloodied vest in a bucket, with TenTen next to him.

"Don't worry, most of it's not my blood." Kakashi chuckled.

"I thought you were supposed to come back tomorrow." I finally said.

"Team 7 was really eager to get to work again. We got there on the day we left. Most of the past two days was the trip back." Kakashi explained, rinsing his vest further.

"Are you alright?" I asked siting down next to him.

"Yeah, just a little injury." Kakashi said, patting his shoulder.

"What was the mission about?" I asked, enjoying being reunited with Kakashi.

"Just dropping off a scroll." He said.

"Then how'd you get that injury, if it was just a scroll exchange?" I asked, looking a little concerned.

"Sasuke and Naruto got into a fight, I had to intervene." Kakashi chuckled again, ringing out his vest, "And our acquaintances double crossed us, so we got into a little scuffle."

"I'm glad your back." I said, draping my arms around Kakashi's shoulders.

Kakashi smiled and put his arms around my waist, "I figured you'd want to sleep in, so I didn't wake you up when I got home." He said.

"I would've liked to see you rather than sleep in." I smiled, peaking Kakashi on the mouth, through his mask.

Kakashi laughed and stood up, picking me up with him.

"Come Tenza, we're gonna help Iruka move into my apartment." Kakashi said, persuading TenTen to follow him inside.


I had packed one of the last boxes of my stuff for Kakashi to move.

"Kakashi, here's the last one." I called out.

Kakashi walked into my bedroom with TenTen on his shoulders.

"This is that last one." I repeated, smiling at how cute Kakashi and TenTen looked.

"Ok, what's in this one?" He asked, picking up the box.

"Picture frames, and desk toppers." I answered, walking next to him, as he left for the front door.

We walked back to Kakashi's apartment with the last box.

"Where has Tenza been sleeping?" Kakashi asked me.

"In your bed, why?" I asked.

"Well, I assumed you'd sleep in my bed, with me, so I didn't know where Tenza would sleep if our bed was full." Kakashi said.

My heart warmed when Kakashi called his bed ours.

"Do you have an extra room?" I asked.

"Kind of. It's really just the laundry room, but I never used it. I do my laundry on the balcony." Kakashi answered.

"We can set up TenTen's room in there." I suggested.

"Alright, whatever you say." Kakashi smiled.


About two hours later we had unpacked a little of the boxes, but we kind of gave up after the boxes with clothes in them.

"I'm tired." Kakashi sighed, pulling his mask down. He had taken his vest off and his shoes, and TenTen was laying in his lap.
Kakashi leaned against my shoulder.

"Yeah, me too." I agreed.

"At least everything's here now." Kakashi smiled, looking up at me, and rubbing TenTen's head.

I smiled.

"Yeah, I hope TenTen likes his new room." I said, directing my conversation to TenTen.

"I do like it! It's all red and cool looking!" TenTen yelled.

"Tenza, your gonna be living with us for...awhile. So we're gonna set some ground rules." Kakashi stated, sitting up.

"What?" TenTen asked, keeping his eyes on the tv.

"Look at me." Kakashi said, turning TenTen to face him.

"Number one, stop yelling in my house. Number two, treat Iruka with respect, and follow his rules." Kakashi demanded.

I felt warm that I was one of Kakashi's rules. Then again, I think he said that just to get out of making more rules, by putting the responsibility on me.

TenTen nodded, looking back at the tv.

Kakashi sighed, leaning back on my shoulder, focusing on the tv as well.


TenTen had fallen asleep in Kakashi's lap, and Kakashi was asleep too.

"He's so cute." I thought, " He's probably having a nightmare though..." I felt pity for Kakashi, but I knew that's not what he would want.

I kissed Kakashi on the forehead and tried to fall asleep myself.

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