15 Waking Up (973)

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When I woke up, I jumped up a little. I thought I was late for work, but when I looked out of the window on the front door, the sun hadn't even risen yet.

I face palmed myself, "There's no way I'll get to sleep now." I whispered.

I then realized that Kakashi was still asleep on my shoulder. I smiled, rubbed his head, and then kissing him on the neck.
As I looked for something around the room, within reach, to occupy myself with, I saw a little movement in the corner of my eye. I didn't think anything of it, but when I heard a couple of light footsteps behind me I froze. I slid my eyes down to TenTen who was still asleep in Kakashi's lap.
I was tempted to shout "Who's there?", but that's how people die in horror movies.
I slowly looked around for anything that could be used as a weapon.
Silver ware? Extra kunai's? But I couldn't find anything, not in the darkness of the unlit room. I resorted to hand to hand combat.
I was still frozen, trying not to give any hints that I was aware of the intruders presents.
I tried to sense their chakra, and I immediately felt a wave of chakra flow over me. It felt like multiple people, six or seven maybe.
I gulped and listened intently for anymore movement, keeping an eye on TenTen and Kakashi.

Kakashi shook himself awake.
And before I could tell him to not say anything he put his hand over my mouth.
To think that he could sense chakra in his sleep still puzzled me.
I knew that he knew what was going on, so I shook my head.
Kakashi slowly sat up, moving TenTen to the couch.
He stood up as if he was going to the bathroom.
Once he reached the kitchen though, I heard a thud and then struggling.

I saw TenTen wake up in the corner of my eye. I shushed him, keeping his head down. I ran for the lights and flicked them on. I saw two ninjas behind the couch, and one in the hall.

I started to fight two of the ninjas, when I saw the one in the hallway run into he kitchen.

"Kakashi!" I yelled, flipping a ninjas over my shoulder, onto the floor.

I glanced back at TenTen who had his face pressed into the couch, not wanting to see any of the fighting that was going on behind him.

The other ninja kicked me to the ground, and the wind was knocked out of me.
They were about to pin me down, when Kakashi came and pulled him to the ground. He twisted his arm, and bent it backwards.
He then put the man in a chokehold, eventually making him pass out.

"What about the other ones?" I asked, wiping sweat from my forehead.

"The other three are in the kitchen." Kakashi huffed, "Are you ok?" He asked, turning to me.

"Yeah, fine." I replied, catching my breath by now.

"TenTen?" I called out behind me.

"Y-yes?" He replied shakily, looking up from behind the couch.

"Are you ok?" I asked, walking up to him.

"Yeah, I am." He replied, reaching his arms out to me.

I picked him up and looked to Kakashi.

"I didn't kill any of them, so we can probably get some information out of them. Did you?" Kakashi asked.

"No, no I didn't." I said.

"I'll get Tsuande-Chan." He said, pulling his mask up and getting his shoes on.

"Alright...I guess I'll get things cleaned up here." I joked.

Kakashi smiled, pulled up his mask, then walked out the door. I sighed and started to do as I said. I pulled them up and tied their wrist together with wire.


About 45 minutes later, Kakashi came back with some ANBU, and Lady Tsunade.

"What happened?" Tsunade asked.

"We were sleeping on the couch, when these guys ambushed us." I replied.

Lady Tsunade looked over at Kakashi for confirmation.

Kakashi nodded sleepily, hard to imagine he was still tired after a fight like that.

"Sorry for the inconvenience boys." Lady Tsunade apologized, putting her hands on her hips, then ordering the ANBU to take them away.

"It's alright, I'm just glad I woke up before they actually got to us." I said, setting TenTen back on the couch.

Kakashi sat next to TenTen and he rolled up into his lap like a cat.

Kakashi placed his hand on TenTen's head and closed his eyes.

"Do you wish to interrogate the intruders?" Lady Tsunade asked me.

"No. But if they say something you think I should hear, then call me down." I said.

"Alright, see you later Iruka." Lady Tsunade said, walking out the door, closing it behind her.

I walked over and sat on the couch next to Kakashi.

"What do you think that was for?" I asked, referring to the random ambush that had happened an hour earlier.

"Who knows, but I'm just glad that it's delt with." He said drowsily, rolling his head back.

"What do you think they were here to do?" I asked again, pressing my body against Kakashi's, laying into him.

He opened his eyes to speak this time, "My best guess, is that they were here for Tenza. One of the ninja's I fought had similar marks on his cheeks." Kakashi said closing his eyes again.

"That makes sense. A random kids shows up in a different village. People may have gotten the wrong idea." I concluded.

"Goodnight." Kakashi said, putting his arm over my shoulders.

"It's like nine in the morning." I chuckled.

"Really!" Kakashi said, sitting up and handing TenTen to me.

"I'm late." He said, running into the bathroom.

I chuckled again, "That doofus." I said.

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