25 Early Dismissal (656)

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-Iruka's point of view-

I had TenTen in my arms and had Kakashi's hand in my free one.
We're walking home at about 3:00 pm.

Obviously I wasn't gonna let my lover stay in a building where he almost got raped, so I opted to leave as soon as possible, which Kakashi seemed to agree with.

We were almost home by now, maybe another five minutes of walking, but TenTen had ran ahead of us once I set him down, which gave Kakashi and I some more time to talk.

"Kakashi..." I started, he looked at me but didn't say anything, "I love you." I was gonna say something else, but I stopped myself and cooed him instead.

"I love you too." Kakashi smiled.

"I'll tend to your wounds when we get home, alright?" I said, setting my hand on his shoulder, but brushing my fingertips over his neck, where Yamato had left his marks.

"Thank you." He said, "But it's really not necessary."

"Why wouldn't it be?" I asked, a little frustrated.

"They're really not that serious." Kakashi argued, rubbing his neck to sooth his cuts.

"He broke the skin though, they could get infected or it could get uncomfortable for you and that mask you wear." I replied, squinting my eyes, wondering why Kakashi wouldn't want me to heal his injuries.

We walked up to our apartment and we settled inside.

"You can go play in your room Tenza." Kakashi said, shooing him away and sitting on the living room couch.

I sat next to him.
Without a word I pulled his head into my chest and stroked his neck with my fingers.
I was furious but I didn't want to let Kakashi see it.
Kakashi stayed still for a moment, but soon leaned into me, getting comfortable.

"That feels good." He sighed, closing his eyes.

I smiled and continued to rub Kakashi's neck, soothing the bruises and cuts on it.

He snuggled against me, eager for my touch, and I obliged. I was wiping further up his neck, stopping at his ear and going down, slightly under his vest.
I looked down at my hands for a moment, to see blood scattered over my them.

I brought my hands up to my face to examine them; leaving Kakashi's neck bare, and him curious.
He looked up at me and then realized what happened.

"Oh, sorry. I guess you opened a cut with your rubbing." He chuckled.

I stood up, leaving him on the couch, and went to wash my hands.

I came back with some bandaids, and Kakashi sitting up from the couch.
I peeled his mask down to expose his, now, open wounds.

How long did he do this to you?" I asked, readying my bandaids.

"Maybe five minutes, I don't know." Kakashi said, not really wanting to talk about it.

I tried sticking the bandaids to Kakashi's neck, struggling to make sure the adhesive of the bandaids didn't touch the actual cuts.

Kakashi sat vacant, staring at nothing, but he had his head slightly tilted back to allow easier access for me.

When I was done, the only thing you could see was just some light bruises.

"What do you want for dinner?" He asked, finally making eye contact with something other than the ceiling.

"It's 3:30." I chuckled confused.

"What do you want for lunch then?" Kakashi replied jokingly.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.
Kakashi and I were sitting crisscross on the couch while facing each other.

"No. I'm just bored." He admitted, falling into my lap.

"Wanna take a nap?" I asked, petting Kakashi; running my fingers through his corse but silky hair.

"Mhm." He said, snuggling into my lap.

I chuckled and laid back on the couch, sliding my hand down the back of Kakashi's neck.
I grabbed the tv remote next to me and turned to a show I enjoyed; eventually falling asleep with Kakashi.

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