27 Revenge (1736)

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-Iruka's point of view-

I woke up in my bed; I didn't remember moving here from the couch.
I stood up from the bed and walked out into the living room.

I was expecting to see Kakashi in the kitchen, but I then remembered the fight we had the night before.

I looked around the living room to see Kakashi's coat and hat gone, so he had come home last night at some point. I'm glad he didn't freeze out there.

I got ready for work and went to wake TenTen.


I got to my classroom and set TenTen in one of the desk.

When my class entered the room, I announced the test today and it's topic. I handed them out and sat down at my desk. TenTen insisted that he take the test as well so I handed him one, but I wasn't going to take the grade seriously.

Once I sat at my desk all I could do was sulk. I missed Kakashi already. I missed seeing him when I woke up. I missed making breakfast with him. I missed petting him. I missed watching him change.

"What did I do wrong?" I asked myself in a mumble, not trying to push my fault away, but to genuinely understand what I did wrong so I could apologize.

I went over every event from last night, and compared them to other discussions we've had before. We've never gotten in a fight before, it was all sunshine and rainbows until now. He just gets so defensive over his emotions sometimes.
I only care about his well being, it's not like I was mad at him.

I sighed, and put my head down on my desk.


I dismissed my students, still feeling sad, and lonely; missing my lover.

"TenTen, let's go home." I said, smiling weakly.

"Ok!" He shouted, jumping into my arms.

We started walking out of the building, when I heard voices, and light footsteps. I kept my guard up, but didn't think it was much harm to me.
When I got into the town area I continued to hear these sounds. I didn't want to lead them to my house, so I continued to walk, even when I had made it there.
I grabbed a shuriken in my hands, from my vest pocket, and readied myself for action. I really couldn't catch a break.

Just as I suspected, a cloaked ninja jumped down from a houses roof, and ran towards me. I turned TenTen the other way, just in case I would need to take a blow for him.

I ducked the perpetrators attack and launched my weapon at him.

I dropped TenTen and told him to run and get help, the first person he sees.
He ran off and I continued to fight.

There was only one of them right now, but I assumed there would be more eventually.

I was knocked to the ground, but quickly got up and continued to fight the cloaked assassin.

"What do you want?!" I huffed, beginning to feel fatigue in my body. I was now hoping this was the only one I had to fight. He was strong, and I was obviously weaker. I was an academy teacher, not a ninja.

"You have relations with the Hokage, yes?" The figure asked, blocking an attack from me with his forearm.

I didn't say anything, focusing on the battle and not what they had said.
Being with the Hokage had its cons for sure. Especially when it's Kakashi.
The incident, where he was captured, traveled fast. And his reputation as impenetrable was damaged. Ninjas now thought he was weak enough to be taken down and recaptured, which was obviously not true.

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