19 The Ceremony (1369)

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It was about six weeks later, today was Kakashi's Hokage ceremony and he was really nervous.

"Kakashi are you awake?" I called out from the kitchen.

He walked out in his Hokage uniform, not the cloak or hat but the undergarments.

"Wow..." I whispered, looking him up and down.

"Nice right?" Kakashi asked rhetorically, "I got it tailored yesterday."

When I snapped out of my trance, I sat a bowl of rice on the table.

"Thank you." He said, sitting down.

I sat as well and watched him eat.


Me, TenTen, and Kakashi were rushing out of the door. Kakashi always finds a way to make himself late.

We were rushing to the ceremony, but luckily no one was in our way, because everyone in the village was waiting on us to get there.

Kakashi and I had separated in the crowd; I had TenTen though, so he wouldn't get trampled.

I tried to get to the front of the crowd, and when I did, Lady Tsunade started talking.

"Hello everyone!" She said, "It is with great honor that I finally introduce our sixth Hokage...Kakashi Hatake!"

When she finished her introduction, Kakashi came walking behind her up to the railing. He waved and he had his Hokage hat on and his cloak on over his shoulder. Not wearing it, but draping it over his shoulder.

I was annoyed that he wasn't actually wearing it, but I was really proud of him.

I actually started crying.

I put TenTen on my shoulders and wiped my eyes.
I could barely hear myself think over all the cheering and yelling.

"Hello Konoha!" Kakashi shouted, "I hope that I can be of use while I am welcome as the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village! You may come to me with anything you may need! Questions, comments, suggestions; they're all welcome!" He waved and exited the ceremony balcony.

I somehow heard Yamato call my name over all of the chatting after Kakashi exited.

"Oh, Yamato! How are you?" I asked, turning towards him.

"I'm great." He said, "Kakashi-senpai sure did look good up there." Yamato smiled.

I was a little taken aback by his comment, "Yeah." I said anyway. I guess I was jealous of the comment, I don't really know why.

"He really did deserve to become the sixth Hokage." Yamato continued.

"I can't believe he wasn't even bothered to put his cloak on." I chuckled.

"I know, is that even allowed?" Yamato replied, laughing.

"How do you know Kakashi, Yamato?" I asked, seizing my laughter.

"In the ANBU, Kakashi-senpai was my mentor basically." Yamato explained.

"That sounds cool." I said, "How long have you know him?" I asked, basically just rattling off questions to pass the time.

"I'd say about eight to ten years." Yamato said with a smile.

"That long?" I asked.

"Yeah. And did you know that when we were in the ANBU together, when I had first joined, we were on a mission, and when our targets bodyguards attacked us he stepped in front of their attack to save me." Yamato said, bragging a little.

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