9 Dinning Out (1243)

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-Iruka's point of view-

Me, Kakashi, and TenTen, started walking over to the Dango Shop.

TenTen was a beaming mess, I was genuinely concerned if his face was starting to hurt.

This little 5 year old kid, was so filled with joy, even after getting abandoned. Sure he didn't know he was now an orphan, but to think that he had not a single clue his life just changed corses entirely.

I popped up from my thoughts, to Kakashi saying, "Ow, you little brat!" He wasn't angry, he was just irritated, but I know that he wouldn't hurt TenTen.

"What?" I asked, looking over to him.
TenTen had a fist full of Kakashi's hair, with his other, on the medal plate of Kakashi's headband, pulling it over both of his eyes.

"TenTen, what are you doing?" I asked, trying hard not to laugh, but inevitably, I did.

"Let go you brat!" Kakashi said, trying to push his headband off his right eye, but trying not to drop TenTen.

I stared laughing out loud.

"You guys are hopeless." I said, wiping tears from my eyes, smiling.

I grabbed TenTen from Kakashi, but he ended up pulling Kakashi's headband off too.

"Give that back TenTen!" I demanded.

Kakashi had his Sharingan eye closed, and his face covered, but I could tell he was upset.

Kakashi stood up straight, towering over TenTen, after I put him down.

"Give that back to me." He demanded.

"This?" TenTen asked rhetorically, holding the headband above his head, reaching to about Kakashi's waist.

Kakashi sighed, before he knelt down to take his headband back, and pick up the boy.

Just as Kakashi was about to grab it from the boys hand, TenTen through the headband to the ground, scratching up the metal plate.

"Why you little..." Kakashi calmed down, with a stern sigh, kneeling to the ground to pick his headband up.

When he was standing up, he grabbed TenTen by the waist and picked him up, tightly pinning him to his side.

"Do you mind?" He asked, holding out his headband, gesturing for me to tie it on his head.

I took it from his hand and walked behind him. I dusted the dirt and metal shavings off the plate, and tied it to Kakashi's head.
I walked in front of him and pulled the left side of his headband down, over his eye.

"Better?" I asked, smiling.

"Thank you." Kakashi smiled back, under his mask.

He pulled TenTen to his shoulders, trying to forget what just happened.

"By this rate, we'll never get to the Dango Shop." Kakashi said, joking, but also irritated.

I laughed a little, "Do you want me to take him?" I asked, looking over to Kakashi.

"Nah. This kids cute as hell, just a brat." Kakashi said, looking up to the boy on his shoulders, who had stuck his tongue out him.


We entered the dumpling shop, the owner greeted Kakashi and me, with a puzzled tone.

"Who's the kid?" The owner asked, pointing at him, while he was playing with Kakashi's hair, practically pulling it.

"He's just a guest." Kakashi said, leading me to a bar stool, and setting the child in his lap, his chest pinned to the counter.

"Well, what do you guys want?" The owner asked, pulling out a notepad and pen.

Iruka x KakashiWhere stories live. Discover now