chapter 10

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(I changed it up the first day of school will be like any other day except for the quirk test and whatever they where doing in the auditoriums)

izuku POV*
So the first day of school starts uhh right about nnnnoow, that's right I'm sitting in the back of the class, class 1-A to be exact, bakuho- I mean bakugo still hasn't noticed me. Probably to busy with his ego to pay attention to anything else but himself.

Aizawa walked into class and said something about time then told us to go change.

I was the last one to leave class but the first to leave the locker room. Once everyone was outside aizawa said we are doing a quirk test, and who ever gets last will be expelled.

I raised my hand about to ask him if I could leave now but he interrupted. "No you can't leave problem child you know your not going to be expelled unless you do something illegall" so I just did all the tests and staying out of bakugos line of sight.

We we're at the ball through now and it was my turn. "Hay gravity girl come here" I called out to the girl that got infinity.

"Uhm y-yes"

"touch the ball" she complied still confused, after the ball wade literally nothing, I through it and got infinity just like the girl besides me.

The class started yelling at me telling me how that was cheating and how I shouldn't use other people's quirks to get a better score.

By now bakugo noticed me so I didn't even try to hide any more.

"my god shut up I don't give a flying fuck about your guys opinions ok, Aizawa said to do these challenges any way we wanted just try to get to the top, he also said I could do anything as long as I didn't leave the circle, for all I care I could have hacked his phone and made all of you fail but I didn't so shut up and be happy"

After I said that no one wanted to look at me, except of course the angry pomeranian that's stomping my way.


"I'm pretty sure I'm doing school bakugo"


"Yes and I ignored you and did it anyway"


"Not really no"

He was about to punch me but I grabbed his arm and put it behind his back so he couldn't move so I chicken wing him.

"Bakugo I don't give a fuck about what you have to say I'm stronger, smarter, and much MUCH calmer then you are I could easily win in a fight against you, yet I still don't think I'm better then you that's what I grew up learning and that's what I'll always think, so shut the fuck up I'm tired of hearing you yell all the time"

I dropped him to the ground and started to walk away but bakugo tried to punch me again, I just kicked him in the stomach.

I walked over to the bored and of course I was in first, there was a perv that was in last but aizawa had him stay, I don't see why though to me he has no potential.

We where in class 'getting to know each other' I was sitting in the back of the room though, I don't like to talk to people you can thank bakugo for that, but I also don't want to make friends.

Gravity girl and engine boy started to walk up to me and as I said before I don't want to talk to people so I jumped out the window. I literally dove out the window right before sonic could say something.

When I jumped out the window people started screaming and calling Aizawa.

I suddenly got this bad feeling in my gut and over the years of vigilante work I learned to follow that instinct.

So right before I hit the ground I grabbed Aizawas scarf and used it to slow my fall.

After that I ran around the building checking every nook and cranny checking the inside and out of the building.

I still couldn't fined anything so I went over the wall because the school was on lock down thanks to the press.

After I landed I looked around I turned to my left and I had all the press stare at me.

I ignored them and went searching for something I of course still don't know what. Then some lady came over to me.

"Excuse me kid are you perhaps in class 1-A"

"Yes and yes all might is a teacher in one of my classes"

She was about to ask me a question about it but I interrupted her.

"but don't ask me about all might I don't like him and I'm not exactly pleased that he's one of my teachers, now go away im busy"

I said as I turned around and started walking away, that was till I felt something rap around my waste and pull me up.

I was about to punch them when I saw it was just Eraser.

"Oh I thought you where someone important"

"haha vary funny now what do you think you where doing? Just jumping out a window running around school then jumping over the wall! On lock down"

"I have a bad gut feeling so I followed it"

He started lecturing me well I was still hanging there and he was standing on the wall, the press saw the whole thing but they will be the only ones cuz during the lecture I hacked into there cameras and shut them down.

He dragged me back inside and to the teachers lounge, where I started to eat lunch since I'm 'untrustworthy' to eat in the cafeteria with other kids.


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