Chapter 17

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Aizawa POV*
I was walking through the police station. Now usually I would be in my warm bed next to my loud ass husband, but after the events that happened last night I don't think I could sleep even if I swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills.

I walked into the directives office and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "Let's get this over with I don't wanna be here and I know you don't want to be here either"

He looked at me like I just grow 2nd head. "Okay then what can I do for you Eraser"

"I found glitch again we talked for a bit he told me he didn't remember anything that he used to do beside him being a vigilante"

The detective looked at me with a shocked look on his face. "He told me that he hit his head during a villain fight and he forgot almost everything"

He started to right stuff on a note pad. "Today I heard a scream Glitch ran to it, I followed to and saw him fighting the thugs that were trying to kidnap my son so I got mad and took em' down, After I drop my kid off at the house I went back on my patrol I was pissed so I didn't really answer Glitch right away or at all, That seemed to make him mad he teleported in front of me, And he was glitching uncontrollably he looked like he was panicking he was about to say something but he glitched away again"

I stopped to let the detective wright then he motioned for me to continue.

"He glitched hundreds of feet in the air and started to fall I seems like he was unable to glitch back to the ground so I started to run and I caught him, I put him down and was about to ask what happens but he just hugged me"

The detective looked up from his notepad and just looked at me. "After that he said sorry then ran away"

"Well that's new guess he's not as rude as he was last time, did you get anything else"

"ya he was about 5'5 and he had I think fluffy green hair, but that's all I could make out"

He wrote what I said down on his notepad. "Okay I'm gonna go set up a meeting with other pro's on his case I would really appreciate it if you would go out and look for him"

I just signed I new I wouldn't get much sleep after what just happened. "Fine"

Izukus POV*
I went home after hugging Eraser but I couldn't sleep so I went out for a walk.

I looked up and saw Eraser jumping around. 'isn't he supposed to be in his cocoon by now' I wasn't in my vigilante costume so I just kept walking.

It's been a few minutes and I was about to start to walk back till I was pulled into an alleyway. 'OF FUCKING COURSE'

I looked to see who the person was, well people I guess. There was about five people surrounding me. One took out a rope so I kicked them in the gut they flew back a few feet.

"I'm not in the mood right now so hurry up and tell me what you want" the person got up again.

"Listen kid your out numbered so let's just do this the easy way so we can get paid we won't hurt you to mutch" they started to walk towards.

"Oh so your human traffickers why am I not surprised, THANKS GOD I FUCKING HATE YOU TO"

I screamed I was about cuss out God more but one of they people punched me. "HAY CAN'T YOU SEE IM BUSY SUMMONING SATAN"

"I think this kids on crack or something let's just hurry up with him" Another person said thair hands suddenly turned into blades.

"Ya good idea" another guy said, he had eight arms. 'ugh I hate spiders' They all started to charge at me when the ground bursted into blue flames.

"Oh my god is it really satan" someone with feathers covering there face said. "Nah that's just Dabi and Shigaraki they usual patrol these parts"

I said as I rain up to they guy that punched me and drop kicked him. "Hay kid get away we got this" Shigaraki said.

"Hay he punched me first it's only fair I get him back" I was about to walk away but someone grabbed me but the neck and put a knife to it.

"Don't move or I'll kill the kid" it was the guy with knife hands, both Dabi and Shigaraki stopped moving.

"Now we're going to take the kid a-" "what am I a damsel in distress" I grabbed the person's wrist and broke it, it snapped just like a twig. He screamed in pain.

"I told you" I kicked them in the gut. "Im not in the mood right now" I said.

The two hero's acted quickly after that. Dabi grabbed me around the wast picked me up and moved me away from the 'danger' well Shigaraki went after the thugs.

"Stay" was all Dabi said and went to join Shigaraki.
After the fight they called the detective, so I listened in like the good little vigilante I was.

"Hay ts-" Shigaraki was interrupted. "Where are you guys the meeting started half an hour ago"

"Yeah yeah we know we got caught up with some thugs that were attacking a kid"

I then yelled out in the background. "It's called human trafficking" they just look at me so I looked back with a blank stare.

"Okay then what was the meeting about again" He asked well Dabi asked me question, I of course answered his questions with questions.

"The meeting was about the vigilante Glitch we're all here talking about him now we'll fill you in when you get here"

"got it send some cops were taking them to the station" and then he hung up on him.

"Dabi how's the kid"

"he seems perfectly fine a little tired and malnourished and every time I ask him a question he answers them with questions so we'll have to take him down to the station to"

"Ok hay ki- wait where'd he go" I heard them curse themselves well I walked through the sewers.

When I got home I did some research on the dudes time quirk . 'wait I can get Aizawa his old memories back!? Oh my god really!!! But if I do he could figure out my identity, should I really do that'

I thought it over for while and even though I would rather be throne into another orphanage and being blown up again, I think it's best I dont.

I could end up having everyone regan there memory from the other time line, I don't think that will be good. So I'll just suffer for now.

To get my mind off this sad shit I went on hacking and looking for Twice and Toga.


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