Chapter 2

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Izukus POV*

Sitting on a random roof, I hacked into the police station to mess with them. I may be a vigilante, but what vigilante doesn't fool around and prank the heroes and police?

It's also been a slow night, so don't judge me!

I managed to hack into their speakers and smirked. I grabbed my headphones with a speaker attached to it and placed it on my head. I adjusted the speaker toward my mouth and turned it on. Hell soon broke loose.

"Hey people! The name is Glitch! I'm here to tell you that I am your new friendly vigilante! Of course, I didn't hack into your speakers just to tell you all that. I also came here to tell you all; I am here!" I cackle a bit before continuing my speech. "Just a heads up, I am and will prank you! Say hi to Eraserhead and Detective Tsukauchi for me and good luck on catching me!" As I finished my speech, I just narrowly avoided Eraserhead's scarf as I started to run away. 

"Oh, I'm sorry- did I wake you from your little cat nap?!" I yell back as I speed across rooftops.

I couldn't really tell if he was glaring back at me, but it sure feels like it!

I lost him a few minutes later before going on my usual route... Everywhere! Why you may ask? because crime is everywhere, so why shouldn't I be?

A few hours passed and I was going to head home for the night, but at that moment, I had a bad feeling something was going to happen. I decided to stay out a little bit longer.

I'm glad I listened to my gut because a few minutes later, I arrived at a fight between a few villains and Eraser. Eraser seemed to have gotten jumped as there were other guys groaning in pain around him. He also seemed to be bleeding out badly, his red eyes glowing in the dark.

"Just sit down eraser, you'll die if you don't get treated soon." I state as I jump down from a roof and begin fighting a tall, lanky man in black. 

"No, get out of here kid it's dangerous!" Eraser grunted as he blinked and a random guy shot strings out his eyes to bind Eraser. Eraser activated his quirk and erased the guy's quirk before going to attack another guy.

"I'm not a kid, I've had worse. Also, I always have a plan so just sit your ass down so I can finish this!" I punch a guy in the nuts, hearing a satisfying crack as I yell back at Eraser.

He was still trying to fight, but the blood loss made him dizzy and he started to sway. Eraser backed out the fight and landed on the ground by the alleyway wall, trying to control his breathing. 

I threw a sleeping bomb down and it exploded upon contact. I covered mouth and held my breath as everyone started to sway and fall down from inhaling the sleeping gas. Soon, everyone was out like a light, including Eraser. He probably needed it anyway. 

Oh yeah, he's still bleeding.

A few of the smart villains that held their breath soon got knocked out via me as I quickly finished the fight and ran back to Eraserhead. 

I can't have my favorite hero dying now, can I?

That was a serious question, can someone answer me because I don't know.

Seriously, please.

I tie up all the villains, called the cops, grabbed Eraser, and ran to my hideout where I patched him up and waited for him to wake up.

I ended up having to put a few stitches on the side of his forehead and tied gauze around it tightly. The rest of his injuries just needed bandages and ointment. 


It's been a few minutes now and I started to hear ringing coming from Eraser's pocket, so I went to see what it was.

It was his phone.

Present Mic was calling, and it turns out, he's also Eraser's husband. Don't ask me how I know because you probably already know how I know.


"Jesus, I don't think anyone would be ok after hearing that."

"Who are you?!"

"Hello, I'm Glitch, pleasure to meet you!" I silently gag at my 'politeness' ' 

"What have you done with Shouta?!"

"Ok one, don't try to track his phone, it won't work, two, your husband was ambushed by a group of villains and had a few injuries from it."

"Why didn't you just take him to the hospital?!"

His voice sounded concerned but also wary. It made me wonder, 'What would it be like to have someone care for me like that..?'.

"Heroes are 30% likely to die on their way to the hospital because of how severe their injuries were. Your husband could have become that 30% had I not brought him to my base."

There was a long pause on the other end before Mic spoke again. 

"Not that I want Shouta to die, but why didn't you just let him die like the others probably would..?"

"Well, he's my favorite hero for one, two, if I let him die, I would be just as bad as the villains that tried cutting his head in half, and three, he has a family and is a loving person that would help anyone. Why would I let someone like that leave this world?"


" ... "

"Also I'm a vigilante, not a villain." I added.

"Ok, thank you for saving his life. When can he come home?"

"Meet me at the XXXX XXX where you can pick him up. I'll wait with him till you get there."

"Thank you so much, I'm on my way!"

"Oh, and Mic? Go alone. I don't wanna see or hear anyone else but you, got it?"



When I showed up, I saw Mic standing next to his car with a worried look on his face. 

"God, that took forever with his heavy ass.." I mutter, holding Eraserhead on my back.

Mic spun around so fast it probably gave him whiplash. 

"Sho- oh my God!"

He grabbed Eraser off my back and embraced him in a hug to which I couldn't help but think, 'I wonder what it's like to get a hug'. Suddenly, I saw Mic place Eraser in the back of his car before turning to me to which I got confused.

"When was the last time you had a hug, Listener..?" 

'Shit I said that out loud' 

"Uh- don't let him go on patrols for two days and make sure he's eating better, he's too skinny for being a pro, byeeee!" I turn around and rush away back to my base/house. 

I heard Mic scream "Wait!" but I was already long gone. 

Thank you for reading good day or night!!!


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