Chapter 8

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Izuku's POV* 

It's been two weeks since I was discovered. I'm currently sitting on top of UA. All the heroes in UA are having a meeting in the room below so I decided- Why not watch?

So far nothing has really happened, just some boring school stuff - Isn’t too surprising since most heroes tend to be boring in general.

They should really learn to shut windows.

~One hour later~

I was about to leave when I heard someone say my vigilante name. 

"Has anyone seen Glitch lately?" Awe, I guess Eraserhead really does care! 

"No, it's been two weeks and we haven't even seen a glimpse of him.." Snipe replied. I put my hand on my chin, tilting my head. Not even a glimpse? I must be really good at hiding then!

"...I think it's time to put him down as dead…" I was surprised Nezu was the one to speak this time. He sounded disappointed. I sputter though - Me? Dead? What a joke!

I guess I'll stop teasing them now. 

I pulled out a screen and started to hack into a speaker I knew was in that room. It gives me Deja Vu from when I did the same thing to a police station, which is funny considering it was not too long ago.

"You can't get rid of me that easily!" I cackled into the mic as they all stood and looked around frantically. "You aren't going to find me in the school…" Erasershead suddenly shot up. 

"He's on the roof!"

"Wow, great job Sherlock." I nonchalantly respond with a smirk. I disconnect my mic from the speaker and dangle my legs off the roof, waiting.

In 3.


"Midoriya!" 1.

"Long time no see, heroes!" I stand and face the heroes, kicking my legs out with an eye smile. #1 way to annoy anyone is to act all smiley with no care in the world.

Take Douma from Demon Slayer for example- Hold up wrong fandom…

"Kid, weren't you impaled two weeks ago?!" Power loader asked. 

"Duh, and?" My finger switched as I looked over at Eraser as he looked like he wanted to erase me from existence. 

"Why didn't you go to the hospital?" Oof, Eraserhead sounds mad. The question was stupid though - is he on something?

"And risk getting caught? No way bro, I would rather die!" I cackle, switching the weight distribution between my legs.

I could see the anger radiating off of the pro which was odd because Eraser is never this emotionally active. "That's it, I'm going to kill him.." Eraser started walking towards me with his quirk activated. The other heroes didn't move, in fear of the infamous Dadzawa.

So I did what I did best and took out a pink glitter boom and threw it at Eraser. It hit him to which he became still. You could practically see the glitter melt off of him as his eye twitched.

"Uhh… It was nice seeing you all, bye!" Cue me jumping off the roof like the vigilante I am.


I got back to my 'house' and went to do what any logical person would do........ 

I texted the person I piss off the most! 


hAy yA hoBo!


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