Chapter 14

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Izukus POV*
From the looks of it nothing really has changed well except that I'm still a vigilante!? Also Sigaraki isn't evil he's actually an underground pro hero and Dabi he's also a pro just not underground, Toga and Twice though I don't know what happened to them.

There's one more thing that I'm really sad about.... Aizawa doesn't know who I am anymore.... He only knows who I am as a vigilante again I never met anyone in UA it seems I live in a old apartment and my vigilante costume still looks the same.

I checked a few more things just in case like have I killed anyone yet thankfully I haven't, my bed is descent so I laid down and cried myself to sleep.

I can't believe no one will remember me outside of my vigilante suite.

Aizawas POV*
I found a random kid in a alleyway he was unconscious and waring a weird costume, I brought him to the hospital cuz he was barely alive but when I ask the nurse to see him she said he disappeared.

"What how did he just disappear he was on the brink of death"

"I'm sorry sir but I don't know we checked the footage but it's like he was never there"

I let out a ling sigh and kept speaking "thank you for your time ma'am"

Great now I have to deal with a rude vigilante and a missing kid.

I'll called Tsukauchi and told him about the missing kid, I asked him to find out who he is and we're he lives.

But when he got back to me he tells me the kid has been missing for years, thought to be dead.

~On patrol ~
I was on patrol when I saw the vigilante he looked deep in thought so I tried to catch him but didnt as usual.

"Oh hello Eraserhead nice night is it not"

something's wrong shouldn't he be insulting me by now.

"What are you up to" he looked confused when I said that, then he asked a stupid question.

"What do you mean 'what am I up to' I'm doing my patrol"

"yes but usually when you see me or any pro to be exact you insult them" now he looked surprised.

"Why would i- ohhhhhh"

"what you're acting like you've never done that before"

"well you see i-"

Izukus POV*
"Well you see i-" I can't just say I was accidentally shot back into the passed by a quirk and change the future so hundreds of people wouldn't die... We'll I could but I'm not going to.

"I may or may not have lost a bit of my memory"

"then how can you remember me"

"I don't know I'm not some doctor I just pretend to be one

"I don't believe you"

"that's fine but just to warn you I now love glitter bombs and I will use them"

"you better not"

"Oh I will"
I give him a cackle and jump of the roof.

~After patrol ~
I'm now insanely depressed! I'm happy but I'm still super sad that my father figure doesnt know who I am.

Patrol was interesting I was chased by Dabi at one point, then shigiraki they were close well as close as the pros can get.

It turns out that UA hasn't started yet so it's like I'm starting my life over again, I hate it.

I have more important things to worry about, like the new LOV, and where I can get a taco and if I should go to school.

~Next day~
I enrolled in school not the one I used to go to or I guess never want to I don't really know it's complicated.

I only enrolled because there's nothing to do during the day so ya here I am standing in front of a class of people I never seen before.

Well except for the kid with the purple hair, you know the one that punched me in the face yeah that one.

Ima befriend him and ONLY that, damn I'm also going to talk to Aizawa again I may or may not have gotten attached, don't judge me. Im still a child.


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