Chapter 1

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Izuku's POV*

First night as a vigilante and I've already taken down a few villains and called the police like a good mother fucking child.

By the fourth time I called, they asked what I was doing. I said;

"What am I doing?! What are YOU doing! I'm out here going for my nightly jog, and every few blocks I hear a scream! Like, come on! Isn't it your job to stop stuff like that?! HUH!? Well, I oughta call your mother, she would be so disappointed!"

I went on, lecturing them for a few more minutes. I made sure to have a feminine voice as I spoke - that was 'till I heard sirens.

"I-I'm s-sorry sir- ma'am, but every time we get to the scene, you're never there. We need your name and for you to come down to the police station." The policeman stated.

"Oh! I actually know that answer! I'm Glitch, your new favorite vigilante and information broker if need be! We're going to have so much fun together! Make sure to tell the Detective - don't leave a single thing out."

I then hung up and went back to my job. Jumping up alleyways, running across roofs, capturing criminals, and saving civilians!

I went out for a couple more hours before I decided I deserved some sleep.


I am currently leaving the Takoba Municipal Beach before school starts because the day before I started my vigilantism, I finished cleaning this specific beach, so now it's nice and clean with couples coming down here all the time. I like to check on it from time to time to see if there is any more trash that needs to be cleaned.

When school got out, I ran from Bakugo. It's not that I'm scared of him, but I kinda have a full schedule, and I hate treating burns... So when I see Bakugo and he sees me..

Well, I just run like hell.

I only got about five feet away before running into someone. I looked up and saw Eraserhead with present Mic both in civilian clothes... Well, Eraser almost always wears his hero costume which looks like civilian clothes anyway so I couldn't really tell with him.

Does he ever wash his clothes? Does Mic make him? Or does he just throw the clothes away after a few days? Whatever.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly as the Hobo looking man helped me up. I was about to thank him when an angry Pomeranian started yelling at me.


"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!" the heros were still watching but bakugo didn't seem to care as he continued to scream like a lunatic. Him and his huge ego were the only thing that mattered to him, so obviously he would ignore others he deemed below him.

He grabbed me by the collar so I couldn't move.

"Let me go Bakugou, I have to go wash the mud! It's starting to get dirty." I hid my smirk as Bakugou's furious face turned to confusion.

"You cant wash mud, idiot!" He shoved me away as he let go of my shirt and took a step back.

"Oh, did I say wash the mud? I meant… Mowing the snow!" I facepalmed and shook my head as I laughed at myself.

"You know what, you look like you have enough brain damage right now so… I'm just- gonna go.." Bakugou took a few steps back, spun around, and walked away.

"And that, my friends, is how you deal with an angry porcupine." I laughed before freezing.

"Oh wait, I don't have any friends!" I bursted out laughing and turned around only to be met with the two pro heroes that were, oddly enough, still standing behind me.

"Ah! Oh shit, I forgot you were here -  you scared me! Who just stands behind someone like that!" I waved my hands about before letting out a deep sigh.

"Sorry for startling you kid, but are you getting bullied? We can get you some help if need be.." Eraser spoke in his usual 'giving up on life' voice with a small hint of softness.

"Yeah, Listener. He didn't seem too nice" Mic pointedly stated.

"Nah, It's fine, I can deal with this stuff! I have many other ways of getting people away than just confusing them." I cackled a little as the pro heroes looked at me oddly.

After a little more talking and telling them I didn't need help, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.


Thank you for reading hope you liked it goodbye!!

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